Martha Sullenberger

Martha Sullenberger Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Martha Sullenberger Current Workplace


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Last Update 1/11/2025 9:11 PM

About Martha Sullenberger

Martha Sullenberger works at Navarro-by-the-Sea Center, which is a Cultural & Informational Centers company. Found email listings include: @navarro-by-the-sea-center.org.Explore more

Martha Sullenberger Current Workplace

Navarro-by-the-Sea Center

2018-present (7 years)

Navarro-by-the-Sea Center is a public benefit nonprofit corporation. The specific purposes for which this corporation is organized are: to promote education and interpretive activities of the California State Parks system in the Mendocino County area, support scientific and historic investigations relating to the area, and present these subjects to the public. Our primary focus since incorporation has been preservation and rehabilitation of the historic Captain Fletcher's Inn (ca. 1865) at the Navarro Beach area of the Navarro River Redwoods State Park. The historic Mill Superintendant's House (ca. 1864) currently serves as our offices, and is also in need of significant upgrades to the potable water and septic systems, foundation repair, and other improvements. Our goal is to reopen the historic Captain Fletcher's Inn as a visitor center, interpreting the rich cultural and natural history of the Mendocino coast, Navarro River estuary, and the larger Navarro River watershed. The CalifoSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Martha Sullenberger

What is Martha Sullenberger’s email address?
Martha Sullenberger’s email address is m***@navarro-by-the-sea-center.org
What is Martha Sullenberger’s business email address?
Martha Sullenberger’s business email address is m***@navarro-by-the-sea-center.org
What is Martha Sullenberger’s direct phone number?
Martha Sullenberger’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Martha Sullenberger’s work phone number?
Martha Sullenberger’s headquarters phone number is (707) 877-3477
Which industry does Martha Sullenberger work in?
Martha Sullenberger works in the industry of Museums & Art Galleries, Cultural.
How can I contact Martha Sullenberger?
Martha Sullenberger contact details: Email address: m***@navarro-by-the-sea-center.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Martha Sullenberger based?
Martha Sullenberger works for Navarro-by-the-Sea Center, located at United States
See more information about Martha Sullenberger

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