Marsha Shide

Operations Coordinator at Community Health Alliance

Marsha Shide Email & Phone number


(574) ***-****

Marsha Shide Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Marsha Shide Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Marsha Shide

Marsha Shide is an Operations Coordinator at Community Health Alliance based in Reno, Nevada. Previously, Marsha was an U. R. and Credentialing Coordinator at Community Health Alliance.

Marsha Shide Current Workplace

Community Health Alliance

2020-present (5 years)

Community Health Alliance is a non-profit, federally qualified health center formed in July 2012 and is the largest provider of primary medical and dental services to Medicaid patients in Northern Nevada. Community Health Alliance operates seven primary care health centers in Reno and Sparks, as well as three mobile medical and dental units. Community Health Alliance also has an integrated behavioral health care program, two in-house pharmacies, a comprehensive Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, and a prescription food pantry to assist patients who are food insecure.

Marsha Shide Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

U. R. and Credentialing Coordinator

Community Health Alliance


Insurance Coordinator

MRI Center


Org Chart - Community Health Alliance

Marsha Shide

Operations Coordinator

Recent News About Marsha Shide

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marsha Shide

What company does Marsha Shide work for?
Marsha Shide works for Community Health Alliance as Operations Coordinator
What is Marsha Shide’s role in Community Health Alliance?
Marsha Shide’s role in Community Health Alliance is Operations Coordinator
What is Marsha Shide’s direct phone number?
Marsha Shide’s direct phone number is (574) ***-****
What is Marsha Shide’s work phone number?
Marsha Shide’s headquarters phone number is (775) 329-6300
What is Marsha Shide’s latest job experience?
Marsha Shide’s latest job experience is U. R. and Credentialing Coordinator at Community Health Alliance
Which industry does Marsha Shide work in?
Marsha Shide works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Marsha Shide’s peers at other companies?
Marsha Shide’s peers at other companies are Samantha Earles, Tricia Carr, Monica Chrzaszcz, Nicole Mills, Eric Carroll.
Who are Marsha Shide’s colleagues?
Some of Marsha Shide’s colleagues are James Lee, Thoann Ngo, Lindsey Crutcher, Sandie Schimmelmann.
Who is Marsha Shide?

Marsha Shide is an Operations Coordinator at Community Health Alliance based in Reno, Nevada. Previously, Marsha was an U. R. and Credentialing Coordinator at Community Health Alliance....

Where is Marsha Shide based?
Marsha Shide works for Community Health Alliance, located at United States