2021-present (3 years)
Marley Sherritt
Customer Support Strategist at Justuno
Marley Sherritt Email & Phone number
Marley Sherritt Current Workplace
PO Box 1165, Fairfax, California, 94978, United States
(415) 878-6070
Number of Employees
Marley Sherritt Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
6Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
9About Marley Sherritt
Marley Sherritt is a Customer Support Strategist at Justuno based in Fairfax, California.
Previously, Marley was a Customer Support Strategist & Manager at Justuno and also held positions at Fifth Third Bank, Everything But The House, Seasons Retirement Communities, Amazon.
Marley Sherritt Current Workplace
Justuno is a comprehensive marketing automation platform designed for professional marketers to optimize site traffic and conversion rates. The platform offers a suite of integrated tools, including pop-ups, quizzes, landing pages, and AI product recommendations, enhancing user engagement and boosting sales for over 100,000 brands. Targeting e-commerce businesses across various industries, Justuno provides features such as customer segmentation, A/B testing, and personalized messaging for improved customer experiences. With seamless integrations with platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce, Justuno empowers brands to increase their list growth and average order value.
Marley Sherritt Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marley Sherritt
Marley Sherritt is a Customer Support Strategist at Justuno based in Fairfax, California. Previously, Marley was a Customer Support Strategist & Manager at Justuno and also held positions at Fifth Third Bank, Everything But The House, Seasons Retirement Communities, Amazon....