
Mark Wodka

Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant at Hinsdale RV Resort

Mark Wodka Email & Phone number


(630) ***-****

Mark Wodka Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Mark Wodka Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Mark Wodka

Mark Wodka is a Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant at Hinsdale RV Resort based in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. Previously, Mark was an Adjunct Faculty at Kaplan University and also held positions at Village of Hinsdale. Mark received a Organizational Leadership degree from Lewis University.

Mark Wodka Current Workplace

Hinsdale RV Resort

2015-present (10 years)

Founded in 2002, Hinsdale Campground has been designed around the needs of today's camper. Our management team brings a wealth of varied business experience to Hinsdale Campground and is committed to running a great campground.

Mark Wodka Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Adjunct Faculty

Kaplan University


Deputy Police Chief

Village of Hinsdale


Police Officer

Village of Hinsdale Police Departmen




Organizational Leadership

Lewis University

Org Chart - Hinsdale RV Resort

Mark Wodka

Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant

Recent News About Mark Wodka

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mark Wodka

What company does Mark Wodka work for?
Mark Wodka works for Hinsdale RV Resort as Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant
What is Mark Wodka’s role in Hinsdale RV Resort?
Mark Wodka’s role in Hinsdale RV Resort is Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant
What is Mark Wodka’s email address?
Mark Wodka’s email address is m***@villageofhinsdale.org
What is Mark Wodka’s business email address?
Mark Wodka’s business email address is m***@villageofhinsdale.org
What is Mark Wodka’s direct phone number?
Mark Wodka’s direct phone number is (630) ***-****
What is Mark Wodka’s work phone number?
Mark Wodka’s headquarters phone number is (603) 336-5723
What is Mark Wodka’s latest job experience?
Mark Wodka’s latest job experience is Adjunct Faculty at Kaplan University
What is Mark Wodka’s latest education?
Mark Wodka’s latest education in Organizational Leadership at Lewis University
Which industry does Mark Wodka work in?
Mark Wodka works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Mark Wodka’s colleagues?
Some of Mark Wodka’s colleagues are David Wentz, Brian King, Michael Coughlin, Kevin Susmarski.
How can I contact Mark Wodka?
Mark Wodka contact details: Email address: m***@villageofhinsdale.org Phone number: (630) ***-****
Who is Mark Wodka?

Mark Wodka is a Patrol Shift Supervisor - Sergeant at Hinsdale RV Resort based in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. Previously, Mark was an Adjunct Faculty at Kaplan University and also held positions at Village of Hinsdale. Mark received a Organizational Leadership degree from Lewis University....

Where is Mark Wodka based?
Mark Wodka works for Hinsdale RV Resort, located at United States