Mark SmithA

Mark Smith

Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Henry Ford Allegiance Medical at Henry Ford Health System

Mark Smith Email & Phone number

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(517) ***-****

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About Mark Smith

Board certified in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Smith is the Sr. Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Henry Ford Health Jackson/ Henry Ford Health and the Chief Executive Officer of the Henry Ford Allegiance Medical Group. He earned his MD at Wayne State University and completed a residency at the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University. After earning his M.D. at Wayne State University, Dr. Smith completed a residency at the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University. Born and raised in Jackson, Dr. Smith is proud to be a leader at his hometown hospital. He invests himself in improving the health and well-being of his neighbors across the region. Dr. Smith currently serves on the board of the Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences Center (HSC) and is also chair of the HSC clinical committee. Since coming to Henry Ford Allegiance Health in 2008, Mark Smith, MD, has been a passionate advocate for quality and safety, as well as exceptional patient expRead more

Mark Smith Current Workplace

Henry Ford Health System

2015-present (9 years)

Sladen Library at Henry Ford Hospital provides professional services to the medical staff. They offer electronic journals, electronic books, and an array of databases that support the teaching, research, and clinical practice missions. It was located at Detroit, Michigan.

Mark Smith Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



M. D.

Wayne State University

Org Chart - Henry Ford Health System

Profile Picture

Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief ...





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    Mark Smith 24 Mark Smith , M.D. Health Ford Jackson Senior Vice President and CMO, and Henry Ford Allegiance Medical Group CEO Committees Mark ...
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    Mark Smith Mark Smith , M.D. Board Member and Clinical Committee Chair Health Ford Jackson Senior Vice President and CMO, and Henry Ford Allegi...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mark Smith

What company does Mark Smith work for?
Mark Smith works for Henry Ford Health System as Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Henry Ford Allegiance Medical
What is Mark Smith’s role in Henry Ford Health System?
Mark Smith’s role in Henry Ford Health System is Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Henry Ford Allegiance Medical
What is Mark Smith’s direct phone number?
Mark Smith’s direct phone number is (517) ***-****
What is Mark Smith’s work phone number?
Mark Smith’s headquarters phone number is (313) 916-2600
What is Mark Smith’s latest education?
Mark Smith’s latest education in M. D. at Wayne State University
Which industry does Mark Smith work in?
Mark Smith works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Mark Smith’s colleagues?
Some of Mark Smith’s colleagues are Jodi Buchholz, Heidi Ritchie, Lance Freeman, Raghavendra Yarlagadda.
Who is Mark Smith?

Board certified in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Smith is the Sr. Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Henry Ford Health Jackson/ Henry Ford Health and the Chief Executive Officer of the Henry Ford Allegiance Medical Group. He earned his MD at Wayne State University and completed a residency at the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University.... After earning his M.D. at Wayne State University, Dr. Smith completed a residency at the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University. Born and raised in Jackson, Dr. Smith is proud to be a leader at his hometown hospital. He invests himself in improving the health and well-being of his neighbors across the region. Dr. Smith currently serves on the board of the Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences Center (HSC) and is also chair of the HSC clinical committee. Since coming to Henry Ford Allegiance Health in 2008, Mark Smith, MD, has been a passionate advocate for quality and safety, as well as exceptional patient experiences. He served as Chairman/Medical Director of the HFAH Emergency Services, Hospitalist and Observation Services, beginning in 2008, and was promoted to Vice President of Operations at HFAH in 2016. He, along with Independent Emergency Physicians, has helped transform Emergency Medicine, including HFAH’s verification as a Level II Trauma Center. In 2017, Mark assumed his current position as Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer and concurrently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Henry Ford Allegiance Medical Group. Mark partners with medical staff leadership for clinical quality and safety, coordinate various medical groups, and serve as the senior physician leader for the HFAH Executive Council. He also plays a central role in strategic planning and execution, including clinical expansion. Graduate Medical Education, Medical Staff Office, Research & Sponsored Programs, and Trauma Services. Mark’s memberships in professional organizations reflect his interest in the safety and quality of health care on local, state and national levels. His memberships include Jackson County Medical Society, Michigan State Medical Society, American Medical Association, Michigan College of Emergency Medicine, and American College of Emergency Medicine.Read More

Where is Mark Smith based?
Mark Smith works for Henry Ford Health System, located at United States
Who is Henry Ford Health System’s Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Henry Ford Allegiance Medical?
Henry Ford Health System's Senior VP, Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Henry Ford Allegiance Medical is Mark Smith
See more information about Mark Smith

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