2024-present (3 months)
Mark Reinbold Email & Phone number
Mark Reinbold Current Workplace
415 N Salsipuedes St, Santa Barbara, California, 93103, United States
Phone Number
(805) 963-3016
Number of Employees
Mark Reinbold Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
9Number of job titles
8About Mark Reinbold
Mark Reinbold is the Chief Executive Officer at Kamran and Company based in Santa Barbara, California.
Previously, Mark was the Global Vice President, Sustainable Infrastructure at Johnson Controls and also held positions at Novartis.
Mark received a Bachelor of Science degree from Maryville University of St. Louis and a Master of Business Administration degree from Maryville University of St. Louis ,.
Mark Reinbold Current Workplace
Kamran and Company
Kamran & Company, Inc. provides food, beverage, and laundry equipment. The company sells bar supplies, cooking equipment, dinnerware, furniture, kitchenware, storage, and sanitation products. Kamran & Company serves customers in the United States.
Mark Reinbold Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Mark Reinbold
Previous Shows - Page 3 - Impact Podcast with John Shegerian
Transforming Buildings for a Better Planet with Mark Reinbold of Johnson Controls Mark Reinbold is Vice President, Sustainable Infrastructure at Jo...Previous Shows - Page 3 - Impact Podcast with John Shegerian
Transforming Buildings for a Better Planet with Mark Reinbold of Johnson Controls Mark Reinbold is Vice President, Sustainable Infrastructure at Jo...Mark Reinbold - Impact Podcast with John Shegerian
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mark Reinbold
Mark Reinbold is the Chief Executive Officer at Kamran and Company based in Santa Barbara, California. Previously, Mark was the Global Vice President, Sustainable Infrastructure at Johnson Controls and also held positions at Novartis. Mark received a Bachelor of Science degree from Maryville University of St. Louis and a Master of Business Admini...