
Mark Levine

President at Towers Motor Parts

Mark Levine Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(978) ***-****

Mark Levine Current Workplace


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About Mark Levine

Mark Levine is the President at Towers Motor Parts based in Lowell, Massachusetts.Explore more

Mark Levine Current Workplace

Towers Motor Parts

2015-present (10 years)

Towers Motor Parts was founded on Towers Corner in Lowell in 1922 by William Levine and Eddie Braverman. In 1933, William's brother Ted opened up a store in Nashua and Ted's sons Mark and Jeff would later open up a third store in North Chelmsford. Our family-owned business now spans three generations of Levines, as Ken and Jordana have joined our team as well. The fact that we are, and have always been, family owned and operated means that the people who manage Towers understand the importance of taking care of our customers and standing by our word. We are fortunate to have working with us an experienced, professional staff who help us to achieve our mission of being the best supplier of automobile parts, paint, body and equipment in the area. Don't just take our word for it - talk with the people we serve to understand what it means to be a Towers customer.

Org Chart - Towers Motor Parts






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mark Levine

What company does Mark Levine work for?
Mark Levine works for Towers Motor Parts as President
What is Mark Levine’s role in Towers Motor Parts?
Mark Levine’s role in Towers Motor Parts is President
What is Mark Levine’s email address?
Mark Levine’s email address is m***@towersmotorparts.com
What is Mark Levine’s business email address?
Mark Levine’s business email address is m***@towersmotorparts.com
What is Mark Levine’s direct phone number?
Mark Levine’s direct phone number is (978) ***-****
What is Mark Levine’s work phone number?
Mark Levine’s headquarters phone number is (978) 458-4511
Which industry does Mark Levine work in?
Mark Levine works in the industry of Automobile Parts Stores, Retail.
Who are Mark Levine’s peers at other companies?
Mark Levine’s peers at other companies are Anita Winn, Harry Monk, Mike Large, Jeff Mosholder, John Plumstead.
How can I contact Mark Levine?
Mark Levine contact details: Email address: m***@towersmotorparts.com Phone number: (978) ***-****
Who is Mark Levine?

Mark Levine is the President at Towers Motor Parts based in Lowell, Massachusetts.... Read More

Where is Mark Levine based?
Mark Levine works for Towers Motor Parts, located at United States
Who is Towers Motor Parts’s President?
Towers Motor Parts's President is Mark Levine
See more information about Mark Levine

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