
Marjorie Ghidinelli

Sales and Marketing at Acosta

Marjorie Ghidinelli Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Marjorie Ghidinelli Current Workplace





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About Marjorie Ghidinelli

Marjorie Ghidinelli is a Sales and Marketing at Acosta based in Detroit, Michigan.

Marjorie Ghidinelli Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

Acosta's suite of progressive, commerce-centric solutions enables today's biggest brands, retailers and foodservice providers to win in the modern marketplace. Since 1927, Acosta has developed trusted relationships and unmatched scale. In a complex and fast-evolving omnichannel world, Acosta's network of companies allows us to connect with shoppers wherever they are. Through data-backed growth strategies and exceptional customer experiences, we are connecting tomorrow's commerce today.

Org Chart - Acosta

Marjorie Ghidinelli

Sales and Marketing

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marjorie Ghidinelli

What company does Marjorie Ghidinelli work for?
Marjorie Ghidinelli works for Acosta as Sales and Marketing
What is Marjorie Ghidinelli’s role in Acosta?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s role in Acosta is Sales and Marketing
What is Marjorie Ghidinelli’s email address?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s email address is m***@acosta.com
What is Marjorie Ghidinelli’s business email address?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s business email address is m***@acosta.com
What is Marjorie Ghidinelli’s direct phone number?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marjorie Ghidinelli’s work phone number?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s headquarters phone number is (904) 281-9800
Which industry does Marjorie Ghidinelli work in?
Marjorie Ghidinelli works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Marjorie Ghidinelli’s peers at other companies?
Marjorie Ghidinelli’s peers at other companies are John Sudario, James Berry, Ray Sun, Avremi Epstein, Bill Rogers.
Who are Marjorie Ghidinelli’s colleagues?
Some of Marjorie Ghidinelli’s colleagues are Susan Selliken, Christy Konate, Linda Sutcliffe, Selena Blawn.
How can I contact Marjorie Ghidinelli?
Marjorie Ghidinelli contact details: Email address: m***@acosta.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Marjorie Ghidinelli?

Marjorie Ghidinelli is a Sales and Marketing at Acosta based in Detroit, Michigan....

Where is Marjorie Ghidinelli based?
Marjorie Ghidinelli works for Acosta, located at United States