2013-present (11 years)
Marisa Bahena Email & Phone number
Marisa Bahena Current Workplace
333 W Wolf Point Plz, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, United States
Phone Number
(312) 862-2000
Number of Employees
Marisa Bahena Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
4About Marisa Bahena
Marisa Bahena is a Senior Financial Analyst at Kirkland & Ellis based in Chicago, Illinois.
Previously, Marisa was a Staff Accountant at Kirkland & Ellis and also held positions at ViacomCBS, CBS, MKS Management Services, Jones Lang LaSalle.
Marisa Bahena Current Workplace
Kirkland & Ellis
Kirkland & Ellis is an international law firm that serves a broad range of clients around the world in private equity, M&A, and other corporate transactions, litigation, white collar and government disputes, restructurings, and intellectual property matters. We offer the highest quality legal advice coupled with extraordinary, tailored service to deliver exceptional results to our clients and help their businesses succeed. We invest in the brightest legal talent and build dynamic teams that operate at the pinnacle of their respective areas. And we believe in empowering our lawyers, encouraging entrepreneurialism, operating ethically and with integrity, and collaborating to bring our best to every engagement. These principles have guided us in building successful, long-term partnerships with clients since our founding in 1909.
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Marisa Bahena is a Senior Financial Analyst at Kirkland & Ellis based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Marisa was a Staff Accountant at Kirkland & Ellis and also held positions at ViacomCBS, CBS, MKS Management Services, Jones Lang LaSalle....