Marina Soibam

Physical Security Intelligence Analyst at ZeroFox

Marina Soibam Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Marina Soibam Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Marina Soibam

Marina Soibam is a Physical Security Intelligence Analyst at ZeroFox based in Baltimore, Maryland. Previously, Marina was a Guest Lecturer at Nielit and also held positions at CubeTen, Cirrus Aviation, Cirrus Aviation Academy.Explore more

Marina Soibam Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

ZeroFOX, the innovator of social media & digital security, protects modern organizations from dynamic security, brand and physical risks across social, mobile, web and collaboration platforms. Using targeted data collection and artificial intelligence-based analysis, ZeroFOX protects modern organizations from targeted phishing attacks, credential compromise, data exfiltration, brand hijacking, executive and location threats and more. Recognized as a Leader in Digital Risk Monitoring by Forrester, the patented ZeroFOX SaaS platform processes and protects millions of posts, messages and accounts daily across the social and digital landscape, spanning LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack, Twitter, HipChat, Instagram, Reddit, Pastebin, Tumblr, YouTube, VK, mobile app stores, the deep & dark web, domains and more.Led by a team of information security and high-growth company veterans, ZeroFOX has raised nearly $100M in funding from NEA, Highland Capital, Silver Lake Waterman, Redline Capital and othersSee more

Marina Soibam Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Guest Lecturer



Innovation Coordinator




Cirrus Aviation


Admin and Counseling Head

Cirrus Aviation Academy


Org Chart - ZeroFox


Physical Security Intelligence Anal...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marina Soibam

What company does Marina Soibam work for?
Marina Soibam works for ZeroFox as Physical Security Intelligence Analyst
What is Marina Soibam’s role in ZeroFox?
Marina Soibam’s role in ZeroFox is Physical Security Intelligence Analyst
What is Marina Soibam’s email address?
Marina Soibam’s email address is m***
What is Marina Soibam’s business email address?
Marina Soibam’s business email address is m***
What is Marina Soibam’s direct phone number?
Marina Soibam’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marina Soibam’s work phone number?
Marina Soibam’s headquarters phone number is (855) 936-9369
What is Marina Soibam’s latest job experience?
Marina Soibam’s latest job experience is Guest Lecturer at Nielit
Which industry does Marina Soibam work in?
Marina Soibam works in the industry of Security software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Marina Soibam’s peers at other companies?
Marina Soibam’s peers at other companies are Apsara Dilip, Jefin Jerry, Rose Manoj, Martin Broadhurst, Shweta Meghania.
Who are Marina Soibam’s colleagues?
Some of Marina Soibam’s colleagues are Ryan Morton, Casey Bjorn, Bayane Khadra, Daniel Rowe.
How can I contact Marina Soibam?
Marina Soibam contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Marina Soibam?

Marina Soibam is a Physical Security Intelligence Analyst at ZeroFox based in Baltimore, Maryland. Previously, Marina was a Guest Lecturer at Nielit and also held positions at CubeTen, Cirrus Aviation, Cirrus Aviation Academy.... Read More

Where is Marina Soibam based?
Marina Soibam works for ZeroFox, located at United States
See more information about Marina Soibam

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