2025-present (1 month)
Mariano Rolla Email & Phone number
Mariano Rolla Current Workplace
123 Technology Dr, Irvine, California, 92618, United States
Phone Number
(949) 358-7000
Number of Employees
Mariano Rolla Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Number of job titles
9About Mariano Rolla
Mariano Rolla is a Privacy, Amazon Games, Live Operations Lead at Amazon Games based in Irvine, California.
Previously, Mariano was a Manager, Resolution Engineering Trust & Safety at Google and also held positions at Meta Platforms, Facebook, Apple, AEG Worldwide.
Mariano received a Associate degree from Los Angeles Mission College and a Bachelor of Science from Dakota State University.
Mariano Rolla Current Workplace
Amazon Games
Amazon Game Studios is a video game developer and a division of Amazon. The company has production teams in Washington, California, New York, London, Munich, and more.
Mariano Rolla Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mariano Rolla
Mariano Rolla is a Privacy, Amazon Games, Live Operations Lead at Amazon Games based in Irvine, California. Previously, Mariano was a Manager, Resolution Engineering Trust & Safety at Google and also held positions at Meta Platforms, Facebook, Apple, AEG Worldwide. Mariano received a Associate degree from Los Angeles Mission College and a Bachelo...