Mariana Flores

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Mariana Flores Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 11/25/2024 9:38 AM

About Mariana Flores

Mariana Flores is a Manager, Project Procurement at Siemens Energy based in Munich, Bavaria. Previously, Mariana was an Editora De Fotografía and Revista Gente. at Televisa and also held positions at Ingersoll Rand, Zahnärzte im Wengentor Dr Christian Scheytt, Grupo Axo, Semarnat, Kane - Creative Marketing, Camaleón Consultoría Sustentable, ICON, Instituto Inglaterra, Colchas Mexico SA De CV, SAPUs Raul Braes Farmer, Luna Cabo, Bradesco Seguros, Banco Bradesco, Trustserve, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Peek Paax Animation Studio, Estudio Bunge, Deacero, RelaDyne, CIRCOR, Lubritech, Colfax Fluid Handling, TecMilenio University, Grupo SIM, The Anglo Mexican Foundation, Total Lubrication Management, Ciena, Blackcore, EY, Baker Hughes, HSBC, Autónomo, Colegio Los Altos, Profauna Shop, SURA Asset Management, Fr-ee, Mariana Flores HH, Costco Mexico, Heineken, Dando, Michigan State University, Spectrum Consulting Group, BCG, Eli Broad College of Business, PwC, ACSC - Hospital Santa Catarina, InsRead more

Mariana Flores Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Secretario Ejecutivo

Estudio de abogado





Universidad Aútonoma de Durango

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mariana Flores

What is Mariana Flores’s direct phone number?
Mariana Flores’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mariana Flores’s latest job experience?
Mariana Flores’s latest job experience is Secretario Ejecutivo at Estudio de abogado
What is Mariana Flores’s latest education?
Mariana Flores’s latest education in Licenciatura at Universidad Aútonoma de Durango
Who is Mariana Flores?

Mariana Flores is a Manager, Project Procurement at Siemens Energy based in Munich, Bavaria. Previously, Mariana was an Editora De Fotografía and Revista Gente. at Televisa and also held positions at Ingersoll Rand, Zahnärzte im Wengentor Dr Christian Scheytt, Grupo Axo, Semarnat, Kane - Creative Marketing, Camaleón Consultoría Sustentable, ICON,... Instituto Inglaterra, Colchas Mexico SA De CV, SAPUs Raul Braes Farmer, Luna Cabo, Bradesco Seguros, Banco Bradesco, Trustserve, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Peek Paax Animation Studio, Estudio Bunge, Deacero, RelaDyne, CIRCOR, Lubritech, Colfax Fluid Handling, TecMilenio University, Grupo SIM, The Anglo Mexican Foundation, Total Lubrication Management, Ciena, Blackcore, EY, Baker Hughes, HSBC, Autónomo, Colegio Los Altos, Profauna Shop, SURA Asset Management, Fr-ee, Mariana Flores HH, Costco Mexico, Heineken, Dando, Michigan State University, Spectrum Consulting Group, BCG, Eli Broad College of Business, PwC, ACSC - Hospital Santa Catarina, Instituto Superior Modelo Lomas, Accenture, Resideo, Construlia, Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León, Airbnb, CESFAM Padre Orellana, Empower Behavioral Health, SMX Financiamiento, One&Only Palmilla, Centro Cívico del Bicentenario, Pet Path, Goldman Sachs Group, BFT Legal Consulting, Trends Lab, Lester Sa De Cv, IP Proyectos, Draftea, Stellantis, JM Logistic Premium Air & Sea, Centro Educacional Triângulo Catarinense - CETC, Kaeser Compressors, Hospital So Paulo, omex Group, Sindihogar Sindillar, Animarama, Capgemini, Bbce, TrueHome, St Elisabeth-Stiftung, Heb, Breathless, Municipalidad de la Molina, Fenasa, Campiglia Pilay, Seguros Universitas, Minedu, Goverden, Ferrero Canada, Bluetab, Colegio, H-E-B, HM-Salud, Colgate-Palmolive, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas AC, WeiterTech, SA de CV, Global Connexion Forwarding, The Club Fundadores, LMI Marketing, Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Central, Alcon, Verde Olivo Inmuebles SA de CV, Educakids, Hooters Oasis, Heineken México, CEMEX Ventures, Volkswagen (Germautos Tlahuac, SA De CV, Capitalmed, John Deere, WeWork, Secrets Resorts & Spas, CECANI Latinoamerica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Educación continua Tec de Monterrey campus Querétaro, Ferromex, The Woodlands Township, ManpowerGroup Global, HIR Casa, Sasaki, TÜV Rheinland, El Colegio Nacional, Credijusto, Karen Righetto Ballet, Ebserh, Axera, IbMUNDI, Red Bull, Coto, Babel International Translators, Walgreens, Venezuelan Institute of Social Security, NH Hotels & Resorts, Walt Disney World Railroad, Honeywell, Fiat Auto Argentina, Orbi Quimica, Chili's, Microsoft, Brinker International, Ministerio del Interior- Perú, Grupo Scanda, Safran, GrupoDoce, Wunderman Thompson, Pucrs, Difraxion Group, Brito D'arrigo Martinez & Asociados, Peter Piper Pizza - DSE, Italiannis, Mexican Government, Bombardier, Banyan Tree, Cultural Care Au Pair, Clinica Familia, Secretaría de Finanzas, Hospital Privado, Plus TV, DAER RS - Departamento Autônomo de Estradas de Rodagem, Unidad Textil Puente, Coral Club International, Builder One, Top Sexy Boutique, CIBanco, GNP Seguros, Grupo Sicelub Lubritech, Food JUNKY, Rasch SA de CV, Trail Running, Minerao Bom Retiro, World Animal Protection, Mercantil Seguros, Siegwerk, Granite, Job Corps, MP Marketing Group, Caixa, Imago Comunicación Interactiva, Matriceria Austral, Branders, GE Capital, The Adecco Group, Colegio Los Alerces, Revista Dedomedio, Industrias Omega, KOSTAL, MANN+HUMMEL, Coca-Cola FEMSA, PepsiCo, Maxigraf, Centro Grafico, Amet. Mariana received a Licenciatura degree from Universidad Aútonoma de Durango.Read More

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