Maria Ondari

Teacher at Ibn Seena English High School

Maria Ondari Email & Phone number

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About Maria Ondari

Maria Ondari is a Teacher at Ibn Seena English High School based in الشهباء, الشارقة.Explore more

Maria Ondari Current Workplace

Ibn Seena English High School

2024-present (2 months)

Welcome to Ibn Seena English High School - Sharjah website. The school was built in 1978 under the patronage of the ruler of Sharjah, H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohd. Al Qassimi. The school is committed to producing a universal human being, a person with not just robotic information at his command, but the wisdom to use it for the greater good. We believe that children need a free and relaxed atmosphere to grow in, where they are trusted and the teachers are approachable. The philosophy behind the establishment of Ibn Seena English High School as a premier educational institution has been that while academic achievement is a necessary focus, it should not need to be at the expense of other areas of a child's development. By placing an equal emphasis on a child's social, moral and psychological development, students who would graduate from such an institution would be well equipped to deal with real world challenges.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maria Ondari

What company does Maria Ondari work for?
Maria Ondari works for Ibn Seena English High School as Teacher
What is Maria Ondari’s role in Ibn Seena English High School?
Maria Ondari’s role in Ibn Seena English High School is Teacher
What is Maria Ondari’s email address?
Maria Ondari’s email address is m***@ibnseenaschool.net
What is Maria Ondari’s business email address?
Maria Ondari’s business email address is m***@ibnseenaschool.net
What is Maria Ondari’s direct phone number?
Maria Ondari’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Maria Ondari’s work phone number?
Maria Ondari’s headquarters phone number is +971 65582071
Which industry does Maria Ondari work in?
Maria Ondari works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Maria Ondari’s peers at other companies?
Maria Ondari’s peers at other companies are Trina Ford, Valerie Mazrek, Wendy Wierzbicki, Steph Twinem, Laura Cooper.
Who are Maria Ondari’s colleagues?
Some of Maria Ondari’s colleagues are Abdul Riyaz, Johnny Raphael, Mita Dhanak, Mahmoud Salih.
How can I contact Maria Ondari?
Maria Ondari contact details: Email address: m***@ibnseenaschool.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Maria Ondari?

Maria Ondari is a Teacher at Ibn Seena English High School based in الشهباء, الشارقة.... Read More

Where is Maria Ondari based?
Maria Ondari works for Ibn Seena English High School, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Maria Ondari

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