
Maria Crawford

Project Director at Chicago Public Schools

Maria Crawford Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Maria Crawford Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Maria Crawford Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Maria Crawford

Maria Crawford is a Project Director at Chicago Public Schools based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Maria was a Project Director at Children First Fund.

Maria Crawford Current Workplace

Chicago Public Schools

2024-present (3 months)

Chicago Public Schools is truly a district on the rise. In the past five years, our district has emerged as a beacon of what is achievable for large urban school districts. Our mission is to provide a high-quality public education for every child, in every neighborhood, that prepares each for success in college, career, and civic life.

Maria Crawford Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Director

Children First Fund


Org Chart - Chicago Public Schools

Maria Crawford

Project Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maria Crawford

What company does Maria Crawford work for?
Maria Crawford works for Chicago Public Schools as Project Director
What is Maria Crawford’s role in Chicago Public Schools?
Maria Crawford’s role in Chicago Public Schools is Project Director
What is Maria Crawford’s email address?
Maria Crawford’s email address is c***@cps.edu
What is Maria Crawford’s business email address?
Maria Crawford’s business email address is c***@cps.edu
What is Maria Crawford’s direct phone number?
Maria Crawford’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Maria Crawford’s work phone number?
Maria Crawford’s headquarters phone number is (773) 553-1000
What is Maria Crawford’s latest job experience?
Maria Crawford’s latest job experience is Project Director at Children First Fund
Which industry does Maria Crawford work in?
Maria Crawford works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Maria Crawford’s peers at other companies?
Maria Crawford’s peers at other companies are Tammy Johnson, Franck Yougone, Mateen Diop, Mary Driscoll, Patricia Santibanez.
Who are Maria Crawford’s colleagues?
Some of Maria Crawford’s colleagues are Wayne Bevis, Angeler Kincaid, Josue Ortiz, Desiree W..
How can I contact Maria Crawford?
Maria Crawford contact details: Email address: c***@cps.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Maria Crawford?

Maria Crawford is a Project Director at Chicago Public Schools based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Maria was a Project Director at Children First Fund....

Where is Maria Crawford based?
Maria Crawford works for Chicago Public Schools, located at United States