
Margy Skinner

Margy Skinner Email & Phone number


(510) ***-****

Margy Skinner Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Margy Skinner

Margy Skinner works at Kaiser Permanente, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 222,311 employees. Margy is currently based in Oakland, California. Found email listings include: @kaiserpermanente.org.

Margy Skinner Current Workplace

Kaiser Permanente

2017-present (8 years)

We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence. Founded nearly 80 years ago, our unique business model sets us apart positioning us to drive improvements across the industry and around the world. As the nations leading not-for-profit health plan, we proudly serve 11+ million members from 600+ locations in 8 states and D.C. Together, our 200,000+ employees work as one to positively impact the lives of our members, employees, and communities. Come drive quality, inspire excellence, and create change for the better. Bring your talents to Kaiser Permanente, and see your visionary ideas make a difference in the lives of others. This is your opportunity to shape the future of health care.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Margy Skinner

What is Margy Skinner’s email address?
Margy Skinner’s email address is m***@kaiserpermanente.org
What is Margy Skinner’s business email address?
Margy Skinner’s business email address is m***@kaiserpermanente.org
What is Margy Skinner’s direct phone number?
Margy Skinner’s direct phone number is (510) ***-****
What is Margy Skinner’s work phone number?
Margy Skinner’s headquarters phone number is (510) 271-5910
Which industry does Margy Skinner work in?
Margy Skinner works in the industry of Consumer Services General, Consumer Services.
Who are Margy Skinner’s colleagues?
Some of Margy Skinner’s colleagues are Edith Naguna, Chungyuan Mui, Nora Canty, Minhhang Vu.
How can I contact Margy Skinner?
Margy Skinner contact details: Email address: m***@kaiserpermanente.org Phone number: (510) ***-****
Where is Margy Skinner based?
Margy Skinner works for Kaiser Permanente, located at United States