
Margarita Desser

Margarita Desser Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Margarita Desser

Margarita Desser works at Hospice of Acadiana, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 73 employees. Found email listings include: @hospiceacadiana.com.Explore more

Margarita Desser Current Workplace

Hospice of Acadiana

2023-present (2 years)

Father Louis Richard remains an active member of our Board of Directors, a constant reminder of our original goal-to bring a deep commitment to care for the dying. Following the death of his grandmother while he was a seminarian studying in Belgium, Lafayette-native Father Louis Richard spent a summer working at St. Christopher's House near London with British physician, Dr. Cicely Saunders. Dr. Saunders is considered the founder of the modern-day Hospice movement, and it was there that Father Louis developed a deep commitment to care for the dying. Returning home to Lafayette following his ordination, Father Louis met with other community leaders and, in 1983, helped establish Hospice of Acadiana, Inc.-a nonprofit hospice committed to providing quality care at the end of life for all, regardless of their ability to pay for these services. Hospice of Acadiana, Inc. remains the ONLY nonprofit hospice in our area. We have the longest record of continuous service of any hospice in LouisiaSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Margarita Desser

What is Margarita Desser’s email address?
Margarita Desser’s email address is m***@hospiceacadiana.com
What is Margarita Desser’s business email address?
Margarita Desser’s business email address is m***@hospiceacadiana.com
What is Margarita Desser’s direct phone number?
Margarita Desser’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Margarita Desser’s work phone number?
Margarita Desser’s headquarters phone number is (337) 232-1234
Which industry does Margarita Desser work in?
Margarita Desser works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Margarita Desser’s colleagues?
Some of Margarita Desser’s colleagues are Emily Redd, Stacy Mistric, Deirdra Young, Carla Pommier.
How can I contact Margarita Desser?
Margarita Desser contact details: Email address: m***@hospiceacadiana.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Margarita Desser based?
Margarita Desser works for Hospice of Acadiana, located at United States
See more information about Margarita Desser

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