
Margaret Hickey

Pwc Asset Management Practice Focusing On Alternative Investments Partner at PwC

Margaret Hickey Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Margaret Hickey Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Margaret Hickey Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Margaret Hickey

Margaret Hickey is a Pwc Asset Management Practice Focusing On Alternative Investments Partner at PwC based in London, Greater London. Margaret received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from John Carroll University and a Master of Business Administration from John Carroll University.

Margaret Hickey Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

We help organisations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.

Margaret Hickey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting

John Carroll University

Master of Business Administration

John Carroll University

Org Chart - PwC

Margaret Hickey

Pwc Asset Management Practice Focus...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Margaret Hickey

What company does Margaret Hickey work for?
Margaret Hickey works for PwC as Pwc Asset Management Practice Focusing On Alternative Investments Partner
What is Margaret Hickey’s role in PwC?
Margaret Hickey’s role in PwC is Pwc Asset Management Practice Focusing On Alternative Investments Partner
What is Margaret Hickey’s email address?
Margaret Hickey’s email address is m***@pwc.com
What is Margaret Hickey’s business email address?
Margaret Hickey’s business email address is m***@pwc.com
What is Margaret Hickey’s direct phone number?
Margaret Hickey’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Margaret Hickey’s work phone number?
Margaret Hickey’s headquarters phone number is +44 2075835000
What is Margaret Hickey’s latest education?
Margaret Hickey’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting at John Carroll University
Which industry does Margaret Hickey work in?
Margaret Hickey works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Margaret Hickey’s colleagues?
Some of Margaret Hickey’s colleagues are Stoyu Mack, Myai Austin, Chung Jin, Andrew Hicks.
How can I contact Margaret Hickey?
Margaret Hickey contact details: Email address: m***@pwc.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Margaret Hickey?

Margaret Hickey is a Pwc Asset Management Practice Focusing On Alternative Investments Partner at PwC based in London, Greater London. Margaret received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from John Carroll University and a Master of Business Administration from John Carroll University....

Where is Margaret Hickey based?
Margaret Hickey works for PwC, located at United Kingdom