Mardi Mapa-Suplido

Chief Operating Officer at Aboitiz Foundation

Mardi Mapa-Suplido Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Mardi Mapa-Suplido Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Mardi Mapa-Suplido Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Mardi Mapa-Suplido

Mardi Mapa-Suplido is the Chief Operating Officer at Aboitiz Foundation based in Nichols - McKinley, Bicol. Previously, Mardi was the Chairperson at National Youth Commission and also held positions at Ateneo School of Government, Habitat for Humanity Philippines, Build Change, The Fred Hollows Foundation, AusAID, Chemonics International, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines, Opapp, NTFPs. Mardi received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of the Philippines.Explore more

Mardi Mapa-Suplido Current Workplace

Aboitiz Foundation

2023-present (1 year)

The Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. is the concrete manifestation of the Aboitiz Group's strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. Guided by its mission, Helping People Help Themselves, the Foundation addresses social and economic development needs of less privileged communities and members of society in areas where Aboitiz companies operate. The Foundation acts primarily through chosen programs in education, enterprise development, primary health and child care, and the environment, in order to improve the quality of life of its beneficiaries. For more details, please visit: www.aboitizfoundation.org.

Mardi Mapa-Suplido Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Consultant for Resilient Housing

Ateneo School of Government


Chief Executive Officer

Habitat for Humanity Philippines


Country Director

Build Change


Country Manager

The Fred Hollows Foundation




Bachelor of Science - Community Development

University of the Philippines
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Aboitiz Foundation

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mardi Mapa-Suplido

What company does Mardi Mapa-Suplido work for?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido works for Aboitiz Foundation as Chief Operating Officer
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s role in Aboitiz Foundation?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s role in Aboitiz Foundation is Chief Operating Officer
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s email address?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s email address is m***@snaboitiz.com
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s business email address?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s business email address is m***@snaboitiz.com
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s direct phone number?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s work phone number?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s headquarters phone number is +63 28862800
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s latest job experience?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s latest job experience is Consultant for Resilient Housing at Ateneo School of Government
What is Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s latest education?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Community Development at University of the Philippines
Which industry does Mardi Mapa-Suplido work in?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido works in the industry of Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment General, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s peers at other companies?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s peers at other companies are Clark Erickson, Mike McLeod, Sako Beudjekian, Adan Ali, Marta Martinez.
Who are Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s colleagues?
Some of Mardi Mapa-Suplido’s colleagues are Rosette Tialengko, Katherine Mariano, Jobert Joren, Rowena Astillo.
How can I contact Mardi Mapa-Suplido?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido contact details: Email address: m***@snaboitiz.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mardi Mapa-Suplido?

Mardi Mapa-Suplido is the Chief Operating Officer at Aboitiz Foundation based in Nichols - McKinley, Bicol. Previously, Mardi was the Chairperson at National Youth Commission and also held positions at Ateneo School of Government, Habitat for Humanity Philippines, Build Change, The Fred Hollows Foundation, AusAID, Chemonics International, National... Grid Corporation of the Philippines, Opapp, NTFPs. Mardi received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of the Philippines.Read More

Where is Mardi Mapa-Suplido based?
Mardi Mapa-Suplido works for Aboitiz Foundation, located at Philippines
Who is Aboitiz Foundation’s Chief Operating Officer?
Aboitiz Foundation's Chief Operating Officer is Mardi Mapa-Suplido
See more information about Mardi Mapa-Suplido

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