Marco Hernandez Morales

Contratista General at MAAYEH

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(***) ***-****

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Marco Hernandez Morales Work Experience Summary

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About Marco Hernandez Morales

Marco Hernandez Morales works as a Contratista General at MAAYEH, which is a Furniture company. They used to work at Gpo Rangel facilitadores de obra S. A. de C. V. and Gpo Rangel facilitadores de Obra. Found email listings include: m***@maayeh.ps.Explore more

Marco Hernandez Morales Current Workplace


2017-present (8 years)

The company started its operations by manufacturing distinctive home and institutional metal furniture. Its products were widely distributed locally and throughout the Middle East Region. In 1962, in response to the increased demand on its products, Maayeh Manufacturing Company built its own manufacturing facility in Ramallah In addition to the successful metal production line wooden furniture was introduced in 1963. The 6.000 square meter plant area houses a covered production facility, offices and showroom of over 2.500 square meters. More than 30 select and highly qualified craftsmen and management staff operate the plant. In the mid 1990's MMC was reorganized as Private Company with Limited Shareholders, namely the heirs of the founders. Today, and after extensive improvements to its manufacturing facility, started in the mid 1990's MMC produces office, school, and institutional metal and wooden furniture using state-of-the-art designs and material. Currently MMC undertakes turn-keSee more

Marco Hernandez Morales Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Supervisor De Instalaciones Hidraulicas Y AIre Acondicionado

Gpo Rangel facilitadores de obra S. A. de C. V.


Supervisor De Instalaciones

Gpo Rangel facilitadores de Obra


Org Chart - MAAYEH


Contratista General




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marco Hernandez Morales

What company does Marco Hernandez Morales work for?
Marco Hernandez Morales works for MAAYEH as Contratista General
What is Marco Hernandez Morales’s role in MAAYEH?
Marco Hernandez Morales’s role in MAAYEH is Contratista General
What is Marco Hernandez Morales’s direct phone number?
Marco Hernandez Morales’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marco Hernandez Morales’s work phone number?
Marco Hernandez Morales’s headquarters phone number is +970 22956979
What is Marco Hernandez Morales’s latest job experience?
Marco Hernandez Morales’s latest job experience is Supervisor De Instalaciones Hidraulicas Y AIre Acondicionado at Gpo Rangel facilitadores de obra S. A. de C. V.
Which industry does Marco Hernandez Morales work in?
Marco Hernandez Morales works in the industry of Furniture, Manufacturing.
Who are Marco Hernandez Morales’s peers at other companies?
Marco Hernandez Morales’s peers at other companies are Orlando Hechavarria, Federico Tula Rizo, Miguel Sanchez Escobar, Francisco Ordoñez, Icon Ingenieria.
Where is Marco Hernandez Morales based?
Marco Hernandez Morales works for MAAYEH, located at Israel
See more information about Marco Hernandez Morales

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