Marc Van Den Berg

Area Manager at MTN URB Cellular

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Marc Van Den Berg Work Experience Summary

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About Marc Van Den Berg

Marc Van Den Berg is an Area Manager at MTN URB Cellular based in Kimberley. Previously, Marc was a Store Manager at MTN South Africa.Explore more

Marc Van Den Berg Current Workplace

MTN URB Cellular

2024-present (6 months)

Soon thereafter branches in Kuruman and Kathu were opened in 2002, and in Kimberley in 2006. URB Sellulêr has been the sole MTN agent in the Northern Cape since 2000. During 2009/10 URB Sellulêr was awarded with branches in Springbok, Calvinia, Vredendal, Piketberg, Vredenburg, Langebaan and Eden on the Bay thanks to service excellence. Our partnership with MTN continued when additional stores opened in the Western Cape and Cape Town CBD in 2012: namely Eikestad Mall in Stellenbosch as well as Observatory. In 2017 we unveiled our new MTN flagship store in the new Table Bay Mall. By the end of 2017, URB Sellulêr was the partner of choice in the Northern Cape, and a key strategic partner in the Western Cape as well. The company enjoys 15 stores to date, located in prime locations that offer MTN customers unparalleled service. URB Sellulêr has forged a reputation for offering quality products paired with top-tier customer support, giving us long-term sustainability in the industry. At URBSee more

Marc Van Den Berg Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Store Manager

MTN South Africa


Org Chart - MTN URB Cellular


Area Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marc Van Den Berg

What company does Marc Van Den Berg work for?
Marc Van Den Berg works for MTN URB Cellular as Area Manager
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s role in MTN URB Cellular?
Marc Van Den Berg’s role in MTN URB Cellular is Area Manager
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s email address?
Marc Van Den Berg’s email address is m***
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s business email address?
Marc Van Den Berg’s business email address is m***
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s direct phone number?
Marc Van Den Berg’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s work phone number?
Marc Van Den Berg’s headquarters phone number is +27 543376555
What is Marc Van Den Berg’s latest job experience?
Marc Van Den Berg’s latest job experience is Store Manager at MTN South Africa
Which industry does Marc Van Den Berg work in?
Marc Van Den Berg works in the industry of Telephony & Wireless, Telecommunications.
Who are Marc Van Den Berg’s peers at other companies?
Marc Van Den Berg’s peers at other companies are Caterine Byones, Krishnakumar Kakde, Gary Young, Wayne Bennet, Taylor Callender.
Who are Marc Van Den Berg’s colleagues?
Some of Marc Van Den Berg’s colleagues are Etienne Diedericks, Nazu Liebenberg, Frederick Greeff, Anita Grobbelaar.
How can I contact Marc Van Den Berg?
Marc Van Den Berg contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Marc Van Den Berg?

Marc Van Den Berg is an Area Manager at MTN URB Cellular based in Kimberley. Previously, Marc was a Store Manager at MTN South Africa.... Read More

Where is Marc Van Den Berg based?
Marc Van Den Berg works for MTN URB Cellular, located at South Africa
See more information about Marc Van Den Berg

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