
Marc Morand

Director, Sales & Business Development at Royal Green Appliance Center

Marc Morand Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Marc Morand Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Marc Morand

Marc Morand is a Director, Sales & Business Development at Royal Green Appliance Center based in White Plains, New York. Previously, Marc was a General Manager at Marine Management and Consulting and also held positions at Westin Hotels, Levy Restaurants, Bunim/Murray Productions, 20th Century Fox Film, NBCUniversal. Marc received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Florida State University.Explore more

Marc Morand Current Workplace

Royal Green Appliance Center

2024-present (5 months)

For over 65 years, Royal Green Appliance Center has served the Tri-State Area's appliance needs with extraordinary care and an eye on something that most dealers do not focus their attention on, which is "After the Sale Service. This mantra has taken the company from its early beginning on East Post Road in White Plains, NY to the national powerhouse it has become. Royal Green has steadily increased its footprint in the region with the opening of a flagship showroom in New York City and with the acquisition of Mr. Jay Appliances and Elgot Appliances, Royal Green now has a third state of the art showroom on Long Island.

Marc Morand Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Owner and Sale Director

Modern Homes



Gerda Doors International


Project Manager, Business Development

Geotec Industrial Coatings and Deisgn


General Manager

Marine Management and Consulting




Bachelor of Fine Arts

Florida State University

Org Chart - Royal Green Appliance Center


Director, Sales & Business Developm...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marc Morand

What company does Marc Morand work for?
Marc Morand works for Royal Green Appliance Center as Director, Sales & Business Development
What is Marc Morand’s role in Royal Green Appliance Center?
Marc Morand’s role in Royal Green Appliance Center is Director, Sales & Business Development
What is Marc Morand’s email address?
Marc Morand’s email address is m***@royalgreenny.com
What is Marc Morand’s business email address?
Marc Morand’s business email address is m***@royalgreenny.com
What is Marc Morand’s direct phone number?
Marc Morand’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marc Morand’s work phone number?
Marc Morand’s headquarters phone number is (888) 534-4572
What is Marc Morand’s latest job experience?
Marc Morand’s latest job experience is Owner and Sale Director at Modern Homes
What is Marc Morand’s latest education?
Marc Morand’s latest education in Bachelor of Fine Arts at Florida State University
Which industry does Marc Morand work in?
Marc Morand works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Marc Morand’s peers at other companies?
Marc Morand’s peers at other companies are Akil Browne-Rodriguez, Adrian Padilla, Phil Brown, Nitesh Patil, Yograj Vishwkrma.
Who are Marc Morand’s colleagues?
Some of Marc Morand’s colleagues are Nelson Vega, Mo Ramjohn, Lisa Cales, Robert Migner.
How can I contact Marc Morand?
Marc Morand contact details: Email address: m***@royalgreenny.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Marc Morand?

Marc Morand is a Director, Sales & Business Development at Royal Green Appliance Center based in White Plains, New York. Previously, Marc was a General Manager at Marine Management and Consulting and also held positions at Westin Hotels, Levy Restaurants, Bunim/Murray Productions, 20th Century Fox Film, NBCUniversal. Marc received a Bachelor of F... ine Arts degree from Florida State University.Read More

Where is Marc Morand based?
Marc Morand works for Royal Green Appliance Center, located at United States
See more information about Marc Morand

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