
Marc Isaacson

Attorney at Isaacson Sheridan

Marc Isaacson Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(336) ***-****

Marc Isaacson Current Workplace


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Marc Isaacson Work Experience Summary

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About Marc Isaacson

Marc Isaacson is an Attorney at Isaacson Sheridan based in Greensboro, North Carolina. Marc received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Wake Forest University School of Law.Explore more

Marc Isaacson Current Workplace

Isaacson Sheridan

1983-present (42 years)

The law firm of Isaacson Isaacson Sheridan Fountain & Leftwich, LLP provides legal representation in a variety of areas, including litigation in state and federal courts, business & corporate, commercial real estate, municipal/zoning, commercial law, tax, probate and international law. The firm is located in the Bank of America Building in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina and works with clients throughout the country. We have a commitment to our community and constantly participate in professional and civic organizations. As citizens of Greensboro we feel that it is a privilege to try and better our community. For a more detailed overview of our firm click on "The Firm. If you feel we can be of assistance to you please contact us. We will be happy to discuss your matter; however, in keeping with our rules of professional conduct, we must require a formal written engagement in order for you to establish an attorney client relationship with us.

Marc Isaacson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Arts - English, Journalism

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Doctor of Jurisprudence

Wake Forest University School of Law

Org Chart - Isaacson Sheridan






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marc Isaacson

What company does Marc Isaacson work for?
Marc Isaacson works for Isaacson Sheridan as Attorney
What is Marc Isaacson’s role in Isaacson Sheridan?
Marc Isaacson’s role in Isaacson Sheridan is Attorney
What is Marc Isaacson’s email address?
Marc Isaacson’s email address is m***@isaacsonsheridan.com
What is Marc Isaacson’s business email address?
Marc Isaacson’s business email address is m***@isaacsonsheridan.com
What is Marc Isaacson’s direct phone number?
Marc Isaacson’s direct phone number is (336) ***-****
What is Marc Isaacson’s work phone number?
Marc Isaacson’s headquarters phone number is (336) 275-7626
What is Marc Isaacson’s latest education?
Marc Isaacson’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - English, Journalism at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Which industry does Marc Isaacson work in?
Marc Isaacson works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Marc Isaacson’s peers at other companies?
Marc Isaacson’s peers at other companies are Michael Goodman, David Morantz, Chamoya Cameron, Camille Guerra, Patricia Kryder.
Who are Marc Isaacson’s colleagues?
Some of Marc Isaacson’s colleagues are Meghann Murphy, Stephen Pritchard, Jennifer Ingalls, Debbi Aberman.
How can I contact Marc Isaacson?
Marc Isaacson contact details: Email address: m***@isaacsonsheridan.com Phone number: (336) ***-****
Who is Marc Isaacson?

Marc Isaacson is an Attorney at Isaacson Sheridan based in Greensboro, North Carolina. Marc received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Wake Forest University School of Law.... Read More

Where is Marc Isaacson based?
Marc Isaacson works for Isaacson Sheridan, located at United States
See more information about Marc Isaacson

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