Marc Alcon

Chofer at Grup Heracles

Marc Alcon Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Marc Alcon Current Workplace


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Marc Alcon Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Marc Alcon

Marc Alcon is a Chofer at Grup Heracles based in les Escaldes, Escaldes-Engordany. Previously, Marc was a Chófer at Andbus and also held positions at Grup Havaneres Mar Endins, Protecvall, Punt de Trobada.Explore more

Marc Alcon Current Workplace

Grup Heracles

2024-present (5 months)

This accumulation of experience and resources of all kinds brought into being our country's leading enterprise in this area of economic activity. From this position, the Group has played an active role in the transformation and modernisation of infrastructure in the Principality of Andorra, in an environment made particularly difficult due to the difficult terrain here. Our experience and resources have enabled us to achieve excellence in all types of project, even in the case of complex infrastructure and special projects. Grup Heracles Andorra

Marc Alcon Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Repartidor Con Camion

Grup Havaneres Mar Endins


Instalador De Sistemas De Seguridad



Vendedor Electronica

Punt de Trobada


Org Chart - Grup Heracles






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Marc Alcon

What company does Marc Alcon work for?
Marc Alcon works for Grup Heracles as Chofer
What is Marc Alcon’s role in Grup Heracles?
Marc Alcon’s role in Grup Heracles is Chofer
What is Marc Alcon’s direct phone number?
Marc Alcon’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Marc Alcon’s work phone number?
Marc Alcon’s headquarters phone number is +376 805600
What is Marc Alcon’s latest job experience?
Marc Alcon’s latest job experience is Chófer at Andbus
Which industry does Marc Alcon work in?
Marc Alcon works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Marc Alcon’s peers at other companies?
Marc Alcon’s peers at other companies are Héctor Ramirez Martínez, Carolina Troncoso, Fernando Jofre, Miguel Cedeño, Pablo Benítez.
Who are Marc Alcon’s colleagues?
Some of Marc Alcon’s colleagues are Alex Saldaña, Tomás Zuccon, Antonio Hidalgo, Oscar Otero Fernández.
Who is Marc Alcon?

Marc Alcon is a Chofer at Grup Heracles based in les Escaldes, Escaldes-Engordany. Previously, Marc was a Chófer at Andbus and also held positions at Grup Havaneres Mar Endins, Protecvall, Punt de Trobada.... Read More

Where is Marc Alcon based?
Marc Alcon works for Grup Heracles, located at Andorra
See more information about Marc Alcon

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