
Manuel Garcia

General Superintendent and Colorado Region at Tcc Multi-Family Interiors

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(***) ***-****

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About Manuel Garcia

Manuel Garcia is a General Superintendent and Colorado Region at Tcc Multi-Family Interiors based in Houston, Texas.Explore more

Manuel Garcia Current Workplace

Tcc Multi-Family Interiors

2023-present (1 year)

TCC Multi-Family Interiors represents the combination of two esteemed companies that merged in 2012 to form one formidable organization . Founded in 1996, Texas Contract Carpet serviced multi-family builders throughout the United States since the company's inception. With an emphasis on building relationships with its customers, vendors and installers, the company experienced growth year after year for well over a decade. In 1998, BSI Building Products and Services was founded on the same principles as Texas Contract Carpet. In much the same way, BSI serviced customers throughout the nation, focusing on relationships. With its diverse product line and concentration on apartment construction, the company was a natural fit with Texas Contract Carpet. The executives of both companies were longtime friends and shared the same Christian values. So, in early 2012 the two companies merged-with the spin-off of BSI from Masco (its fortune 200 parent company) and the union of the two organizatioSee more

Org Chart - Tcc Multi-Family Interiors


General Superintendent and Colorado...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manuel Garcia

What company does Manuel Garcia work for?
Manuel Garcia works for Tcc Multi-Family Interiors as General Superintendent and Colorado Region
What is Manuel Garcia’s role in Tcc Multi-Family Interiors?
Manuel Garcia’s role in Tcc Multi-Family Interiors is General Superintendent and Colorado Region
What is Manuel Garcia’s email address?
Manuel Garcia’s email address is m***@texascontract.net
What is Manuel Garcia’s business email address?
Manuel Garcia’s business email address is m***@texascontract.net
What is Manuel Garcia’s direct phone number?
Manuel Garcia’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Manuel Garcia’s work phone number?
Manuel Garcia’s headquarters phone number is (713) 869-9800
Which industry does Manuel Garcia work in?
Manuel Garcia works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Manuel Garcia’s peers at other companies?
Manuel Garcia’s peers at other companies are C Ephraim Johnson, Tim Henhoeffer, Bryan Goodman, Jessie Caldera, Elvis Karlic.
Who are Manuel Garcia’s colleagues?
Some of Manuel Garcia’s colleagues are Eddie Sanford, Claudia Bocanegra, Angel Balderas, Daniel Marin.
How can I contact Manuel Garcia?
Manuel Garcia contact details: Email address: m***@texascontract.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Manuel Garcia?

Manuel Garcia is a General Superintendent and Colorado Region at Tcc Multi-Family Interiors based in Houston, Texas.... Read More

Where is Manuel Garcia based?
Manuel Garcia works for Tcc Multi-Family Interiors, located at United States
See more information about Manuel Garcia

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