Manoj Tripathi

General Manager at Jyoti Structures

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Manoj Tripathi Work Experience Summary

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About Manoj Tripathi

Manoj Tripathi is a General Manager at Jyoti Structures based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Previously, Manoj was a Deputy General Manager at Jyoti Structures.Explore more

Manoj Tripathi Current Workplace

Jyoti Structures

2014-present (11 years)

We excel as a leader in Turnkey/EPC Projects in the field of Power Transmission. Our main business focus areas are Transmission Lines, Substations and Distribution Projects. We undertake turnkey projects on a global scale, offering a complete range of services in Design, Testing, Manufacturing, Sourcing, Supply and Construction with our in-house expertise. We are amongst a very few EPC service providers worldwide, which possess the capabilities to execute turnkey projects covering the entire gamut of Power Transmission business . We have established manufacturing plants at Nashik, Raipur and Dubai with a combined manufacturing capacity of 215,000 MT of Transmission Line Towers. We also have an in-house Tower Testing facility at Ghoti, Igatpuri, India. We have relationships with clients from over 45 countries across the globe. With a strong Project Management base, we offer the advantages of lower operating cost, efficient deliveries and services that exceeds their expectations. ConceptSee more

Manoj Tripathi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Deputy General Manager

Jyoti Structures


Org Chart - Jyoti Structures

General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manoj Tripathi

What company does Manoj Tripathi work for?
Manoj Tripathi works for Jyoti Structures as General Manager
What is Manoj Tripathi’s role in Jyoti Structures?
Manoj Tripathi’s role in Jyoti Structures is General Manager
What is Manoj Tripathi’s direct phone number?
Manoj Tripathi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Manoj Tripathi’s work phone number?
Manoj Tripathi’s headquarters phone number is +91 2240915000
What is Manoj Tripathi’s latest job experience?
Manoj Tripathi’s latest job experience is Deputy General Manager at Jyoti Structures
Which industry does Manoj Tripathi work in?
Manoj Tripathi works in the industry of Waste Treatment, Environmental Services & Recycling, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Manoj Tripathi’s peers at other companies?
Manoj Tripathi’s peers at other companies are Leigh Winwood, Consuelo Goegan, Jill McMaster, Shane Ansell, John Doyen.
Who are Manoj Tripathi’s colleagues?
Some of Manoj Tripathi’s colleagues are Avijnan Roy, Mihir Purabiarao, Harish Tiwari, Rudra Mondal.
Who is Manoj Tripathi?

Manoj Tripathi is a General Manager at Jyoti Structures based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Previously, Manoj was a Deputy General Manager at Jyoti Structures.... Read More

Where is Manoj Tripathi based?
Manoj Tripathi works for Jyoti Structures, located at India
See more information about Manoj Tripathi

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