Manohar Loka

Senior Software Engineer at Mastercard

Manohar Loka Email & Phone number

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About Manohar Loka

Manohar Loka is a Senior Software Engineer at Mastercard based in Purchase, New York.Explore more

Manohar Loka Current Workplace


2024-present (11 months)

Mastercard is a technology company in the global payments industry that connects consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, digital partners, businesses and other organizations worldwide, enabling them to use electronic forms of payment instead of cash and checks. We make payments easier and more efficient by providing a wide range of payment solutions and services using our family of well-known brands, including Mastercard®, Maestro® and Cirrus®. We are a multi-rail network that offers customers one partner to turn to for their domestic and cross-border payment needs. Through our unique and proprietary global payments network, which we refer to as our core network, we switch (authorize, clear and settle) payment transactions and deliver related products and services. We have additional payment capabilities that include automated clearing house (ACH) transactions (both batch and realtime account-based payments). We also provide integrated value-added offerings such as cSee more

Org Chart - Mastercard


Senior Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manohar Loka

What company does Manohar Loka work for?
Manohar Loka works for Mastercard as Senior Software Engineer
What is Manohar Loka’s role in Mastercard?
Manohar Loka’s role in Mastercard is Senior Software Engineer
What is Manohar Loka’s email address?
Manohar Loka’s email address is m***@mastercard.com
What is Manohar Loka’s business email address?
Manohar Loka’s business email address is m***@mastercard.com
What is Manohar Loka’s direct phone number?
Manohar Loka’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Manohar Loka’s work phone number?
Manohar Loka’s headquarters phone number is (914) 249-2000
Which industry does Manohar Loka work in?
Manohar Loka works in the industry of Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Finance.
Who are Manohar Loka’s peers at other companies?
Manohar Loka’s peers at other companies are Ferit Amiti, Igor Anikanov, David Dean, Kaustubh Pise, Neal Barney.
Who are Manohar Loka’s colleagues?
Some of Manohar Loka’s colleagues are Sasha Sobachek, Mariam Ishak, Connie Lee, Paul Adeyenuwo.
How can I contact Manohar Loka?
Manohar Loka contact details: Email address: m***@mastercard.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Manohar Loka?

Manohar Loka is a Senior Software Engineer at Mastercard based in Purchase, New York.... Read More

Where is Manohar Loka based?
Manohar Loka works for Mastercard, located at United States
See more information about Manohar Loka

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