Manish Kumar

Senior Manager at

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About Manish Kumar

Manish Kumar is a versatile and forward-looking Strategic Alliances Manager at MeritTrac Services Pvt, dedicated to driving strategic partnerships and fostering collaborative relationships. In their current role, they are responsible for overseeing enterprise-level sales, managing a portfolio of key accounts, and developing innovative go-to-market strategies to expand the company's reach and impact.Prior to their current position, Manish held the role of Software Engineer at MeritTrac Services Pvt, where they leveraged their technical expertise to develop cutting-edge solutions and streamline operational processes. Throughout their career, they have demonstrated a strong aptitude for problem-solving, strategic thinking, and effective communication, making them a valuable asset to the organizations they have served.In addition to their professional accomplishments, Manish holds a certification in Digital Marketing, which has enabled them to stay at the forefront of industry trends and iRead more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manish Kumar

What company does Manish Kumar work for?
Manish Kumar works for as Senior Manager
What is Manish Kumar’s direct phone number?
Manish Kumar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Who are Manish Kumar’s peers at other companies?
Manish Kumar’s peers at other companies are Danny Sw, Shwetabh Mishra, Yusuf Hanzala.
Who are Manish Kumar’s colleagues?
Some of Manish Kumar’s colleagues are Aarti Parab, Thiyagarajan Govindaraj, Mahesh Dashariya, Prachi Wanage.
Who is Manish Kumar?

Manish Kumar is a versatile and forward-looking Strategic Alliances Manager at MeritTrac Services Pvt, dedicated to driving strategic partnerships and fostering collaborative relationships. In their current role, they are responsible for overseeing enterprise-level sales, managing a portfolio of key accounts, and developing innovative go-to-market... strategies to expand the company's reach and impact.Prior to their current position, Manish held the role of Software Engineer at MeritTrac Services Pvt, where they leveraged their technical expertise to develop cutting-edge solutions and streamline operational processes. Throughout their career, they have demonstrated a strong aptitude for problem-solving, strategic thinking, and effective communication, making them a valuable asset to the organizations they have served.In addition to their professional accomplishments, Manish holds a certification in Digital Marketing, which has enabled them to stay at the forefront of industry trends and implement data-driven strategies to drive business growth. With a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to excellence, Manish is poised to make a lasting impact in their field.Read More

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