Mallory Blunk

Manager, Tax at CBIZ

Mallory Blunk Email & Phone number


(317) ***-****

Mallory Blunk Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Mallory Blunk Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Mallory Blunk

Mallory Blunk is a Manager, Tax at CBIZ based in Independence, Ohio. Previously, Mallory was a Staff Accountant at Teipen. Mallory received a B. S. degree from Indiana State University.

Mallory Blunk Current Workplace


2008-present (17 years)

CBIZ, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides professional business services, products, and solutions in the United States and Canada. It offers its services through three practice groups: Financial Services, Benefits and Insurance Services, and National Practices. The Financial Services practice group provides accounting and tax, government health care consulting, financial advisory, valuation, litigation support, risk and advisory, real estate consulting, and internal audit outsourcing services. The Benefits and Insurance Services practice group offers health benefits consulting, employee benefits consulting and brokerage, property and casualty brokerage, retirement plan advisory, payroll, human capital advisory, actuarial, life insurance, and other services. The National Practices practice group provides managed networking and hardware, and health care consulting services. The company primarily serves small and midsized businesses, as well as individuals, governmental entities, andSee more

Mallory Blunk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Staff Accountant





B. S. - accounting

Indiana State University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


Indiana CPA Society


Org Chart - CBIZ

Mallory Blunk

Manager, Tax

Recent News About Mallory Blunk

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Somerset CPAs Press Release

    Mallory Blunk Mallory joins Somerset CPAs as a staff accountant on the Tax Team. Prior to joining Somerset , she gained industry experience as a sta...
  • news feed 2

    Mallory Blunk Mallory joins Somerset CPAs as a staff accountant on the Tax Team. Prior to joining Somerset , she gained industry experience as a st...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mallory Blunk

What company does Mallory Blunk work for?
Mallory Blunk works for CBIZ as Manager, Tax
What is Mallory Blunk’s role in CBIZ?
Mallory Blunk’s role in CBIZ is Manager, Tax
What is Mallory Blunk’s email address?
Mallory Blunk’s email address is m***
What is Mallory Blunk’s business email address?
Mallory Blunk’s business email address is m***
What is Mallory Blunk’s direct phone number?
Mallory Blunk’s direct phone number is (317) ***-****
What is Mallory Blunk’s work phone number?
Mallory Blunk’s headquarters phone number is (216) 447-9000
What is Mallory Blunk’s latest job experience?
Mallory Blunk’s latest job experience is Staff Accountant at Teipen
What is Mallory Blunk’s latest education?
Mallory Blunk’s latest education in B. S. - accounting at Indiana State University
Which industry does Mallory Blunk work in?
Mallory Blunk works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Mallory Blunk’s peers at other companies?
Mallory Blunk’s peers at other companies are Jazmine Dixon, Eric Loewenson, Sai Vikram, Gilan Gustari, Stephanie Thorp.
Who are Mallory Blunk’s colleagues?
Some of Mallory Blunk’s colleagues are Maria Costello, Amy Gibson, Laura Weeks, Dick McCord.
How can I contact Mallory Blunk?
Mallory Blunk contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (317) ***-****
Who is Mallory Blunk?

Mallory Blunk is a Manager, Tax at CBIZ based in Independence, Ohio. Previously, Mallory was a Staff Accountant at Teipen. Mallory received a B. S. degree from Indiana State University....

Where is Mallory Blunk based?
Mallory Blunk works for CBIZ, located at United States