
Malcolm Maxey

Group Research Process Engineer at REM Surface Engineering

Malcolm Maxey Email & Phone number

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(979) ***-****

Malcolm Maxey Current Workplace


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Malcolm Maxey Work Experience Summary

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About Malcolm Maxey

Malcolm Maxey is a Group Research Process Engineer at REM Surface Engineering, based in Brenham, United States. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Prairie View A&M University and is responsible for leading research and development initiatives to optimize the company's surface engineering processes. With a strong technical background and a passion for innovation, Maxey plays a crucial role in driving the company's growth and maintaining its position as a leader in the industry.Explore more

Malcolm Maxey Current Workplace

REM Surface Engineering

2020-present (5 years)

REM Surface Engineering, the inventor of the ISF® Process, the Rapid ISF® Process, the Extreme ISF® Process and the REM® Process, is a global leader in providing surface engineering solutions. The REM Isotropic Superfinish Process is a value adding and performance enhancing improvement to conventional machining operations such as grinding and lapping. Founded in 1965 in Southington, CT by Robert Michaud, REM Surface Engineering has proudly been serving our partners and customers for over 50 years. REM Surface Engineering has two additional locations in Brenham, TX and St. Neots, UK and provide our products and services globally.

Malcolm Maxey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Science Degree

Prairie View A&M University

Org Chart - REM Surface Engineering


Group Research Process Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Malcolm Maxey

What company does Malcolm Maxey work for?
Malcolm Maxey works for REM Surface Engineering as Group Research Process Engineer
What is Malcolm Maxey’s role in REM Surface Engineering?
Malcolm Maxey’s role in REM Surface Engineering is Group Research Process Engineer
What is Malcolm Maxey’s email address?
Malcolm Maxey’s email address is m***@remchem.com
What is Malcolm Maxey’s business email address?
Malcolm Maxey’s business email address is m***@remchem.com
What is Malcolm Maxey’s direct phone number?
Malcolm Maxey’s direct phone number is (979) ***-****
What is Malcolm Maxey’s work phone number?
Malcolm Maxey’s headquarters phone number is (860) 621-6755
What is Malcolm Maxey’s latest education?
Malcolm Maxey’s latest education in Bachelor of Science Degree at Prairie View A&M University
Which industry does Malcolm Maxey work in?
Malcolm Maxey works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are Malcolm Maxey’s colleagues?
Some of Malcolm Maxey’s colleagues are Jeffrey Tatem, William Youngblood, Carlo Sparagna, Gary Sroka.
How can I contact Malcolm Maxey?
Malcolm Maxey contact details: Email address: m***@remchem.com Phone number: (979) ***-****
Who is Malcolm Maxey?

Malcolm Maxey is a Group Research Process Engineer at REM Surface Engineering, based in Brenham, United States. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Prairie View A&M University and is responsible for leading research and development initiatives to optimize the company's surface engineering processes. With a strong technical background and a p... assion for innovation, Maxey plays a crucial role in driving the company's growth and maintaining its position as a leader in the industry.Read More

Where is Malcolm Maxey based?
Malcolm Maxey works for REM Surface Engineering, located at United States
See more information about Malcolm Maxey

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