Mahmoud Tavakoli

Chief Executive Officer at Maldives Ports

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Mahmoud Tavakoli Work Experience Summary

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About Mahmoud Tavakoli

Mahmoud Tavakoli is the Chief Executive Officer at Maldives Ports. They are responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the organization. Prior to their current role, Mahmoud held the position of Engineer at a Ports and maritime organization. They have a Master of Engineering degree from Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic, where they gained valuable expertise in the field of engineering. Mahmoud's extensive experience in the ports and maritime industry has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead Maldives Ports towards continued success and growth.Explore more

Mahmoud Tavakoli Current Workplace

Maldives Ports

2023-present (2 years)

Maldives Ports Limited is a state corporation of the Maldives, created to be the sole port authority of the ports of the Maldives. It is 100% owned by the government of Maldives and is located in Malé, the principal port, major city and capital of the archipelago nation in the Indian Ocean. The Port of Malé comprises an Inner Harbour, used by pleasure craft, the fishing industry and coastal trade; and an Outer Harbor where larger ships may port. MPL is planning to relocate the port to either the island of Thilafushi or Gulhifalhu. The completion of the new port will take about 2 to 3 years, including all the land reclamation process. The new port will have a capacity of around 220 thousand containers, enabling turning vessels around in one to two days. The estimated cost for a port like this amounts to US$250 million.

Mahmoud Tavakoli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Ports and maritime organization


Org Chart - Maldives Ports

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mahmoud Tavakoli

What company does Mahmoud Tavakoli work for?
Mahmoud Tavakoli works for Maldives Ports as Chief Executive Officer
What is Mahmoud Tavakoli’s role in Maldives Ports?
Mahmoud Tavakoli’s role in Maldives Ports is Chief Executive Officer
What is Mahmoud Tavakoli’s direct phone number?
Mahmoud Tavakoli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mahmoud Tavakoli’s work phone number?
Mahmoud Tavakoli’s headquarters phone number is +960 3329339
What is Mahmoud Tavakoli’s latest job experience?
Mahmoud Tavakoli’s latest job experience is Engineer at Ports and maritime organization
Which industry does Mahmoud Tavakoli work in?
Mahmoud Tavakoli works in the industry of Marine Shipping & Transportation, Transportation.
Who are Mahmoud Tavakoli’s peers at other companies?
Mahmoud Tavakoli’s peers at other companies are Olav Groot, Lisa Smith, Gordon Downes, Stewart Lammin, Jose De Vivero.
Who are Mahmoud Tavakoli’s colleagues?
Some of Mahmoud Tavakoli’s colleagues are Ilyas Mohamed, Hassan Naseem, Neesha Khaleel, Fathimath Afa.
Who is Mahmoud Tavakoli?

Mahmoud Tavakoli is the Chief Executive Officer at Maldives Ports. They are responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the organization. Prior to their current role, Mahmoud held the position of Engineer at a Ports and maritime organization. They have a Master of Engineering degree from Amirkabir University of Technology -... Tehran Polytechnic, where they gained valuable expertise in the field of engineering. Mahmoud's extensive experience in the ports and maritime industry has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead Maldives Ports towards continued success and growth.Read More

Where is Mahmoud Tavakoli based?
Mahmoud Tavakoli works for Maldives Ports, located at Maldives
Who is Maldives Ports’s Chief Executive Officer?
Maldives Ports's Chief Executive Officer is Mahmoud Tavakoli
See more information about Mahmoud Tavakoli

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