Mahesh Kajale

Data Science Intern at InternSavy

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Mahesh Kajale Current Workplace




Number of Employees

Mahesh Kajale Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Mahesh Kajale

Mahesh Kajale is a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for Data Science. They are currently a Data Science Intern at InternSavy, where they are excited to gain hands-on experience in the field and learn from some of the best minds in the industry.Prior to their current role, Mahesh was a Data Science and Machine Learning Intern at the Ybi Foundation. Although they are new to the field, Mahesh is a quick learner with a strong foundation in C++, Java, and Python. They are eager to apply their skills and work collaboratively with the team to deliver innovative software solutions.Mahesh is a strong communicator and thrives in collaborative environments, which has helped them build strong relationships with their colleagues. They are committed to continuous learning and improvement, and are open to constructive feedback. Mahesh is excited to be a part of the software development team at InternSavy and is dedicated to making a positive impact during their internship.Explore more

Mahesh Kajale Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

InternSavy is a company that operates in the Education industry. It employs 50to99 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in India.

Mahesh Kajale Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Data Science and Machine Learning Intern

Ybi Foundation


Java Development Intern

Oasis Infobyte


Manager, Campus Growth

PrepInsta Technologies


Web Development Intern

TechnoHacks EduTech


Org Chart - InternSavy


Data Science Intern




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mahesh Kajale

What company does Mahesh Kajale work for?
Mahesh Kajale works for InternSavy as Data Science Intern
What is Mahesh Kajale’s role in InternSavy?
Mahesh Kajale’s role in InternSavy is Data Science Intern
What is Mahesh Kajale’s email address?
Mahesh Kajale’s email address is m***
What is Mahesh Kajale’s business email address?
Mahesh Kajale’s business email address is m***
What is Mahesh Kajale’s direct phone number?
Mahesh Kajale’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mahesh Kajale’s latest job experience?
Mahesh Kajale’s latest job experience is Data Science and Machine Learning Intern at Ybi Foundation
Which industry does Mahesh Kajale work in?
Mahesh Kajale works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Mahesh Kajale’s peers at other companies?
Mahesh Kajale’s peers at other companies are Ayodeji Great, Rishita Maheshwari, Mohamed Heiba, Garima Saraswat, Srihitha Gudivada.
Who are Mahesh Kajale’s colleagues?
Some of Mahesh Kajale’s colleagues are Shweta Mhetre, Kirthana Chilka, Khushboo Gupta, Korlana Kumar.
How can I contact Mahesh Kajale?
Mahesh Kajale contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mahesh Kajale?

Mahesh Kajale is a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for Data Science. They are currently a Data Science Intern at InternSavy, where they are excited to gain hands-on experience in the field and learn from some of the best minds in the industry.Prior to their current role, Mahesh was a Data Science and Machine Learning Intern at the... Ybi Foundation. Although they are new to the field, Mahesh is a quick learner with a strong foundation in C++, Java, and Python. They are eager to apply their skills and work collaboratively with the team to deliver innovative software solutions.Mahesh is a strong communicator and thrives in collaborative environments, which has helped them build strong relationships with their colleagues. They are committed to continuous learning and improvement, and are open to constructive feedback. Mahesh is excited to be a part of the software development team at InternSavy and is dedicated to making a positive impact during their internship.Read More

Where is Mahesh Kajale based?
Mahesh Kajale works for InternSavy, located at India
See more information about Mahesh Kajale

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