
Mahesh Bhojwani

Executive Housekeeper at Jaslok Hospital

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About Mahesh Bhojwani

Mahesh Bhojwani is an Executive Housekeeper at Jaslok Hospital based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.Explore more

Mahesh Bhojwani Current Workplace

Jaslok Hospital

2013-present (11 years)

Jaslok Hospital is a private, full-fledged multi-speciality hospital with 364 beds of which 75 are ICU beds. The number of consultants has increased from the initial 50 to around 265 with 140 fully trained resident doctors. Hospital has a college of nursing, providing B. Sc. Nursing degree with annual admission of 25 students. Jaslok Hospital has all qualified nurses & some of them have additional qualification & specialization. Jaslok Hospital has Research activities going on in various fields in collaboration with other institutions in India & abroad.Jaslok Hospitals is tied up with Multiplier IT Solutions. More importantly, the hospital has evolved into a tertiary referral centre for providing treatment for advanced, complex problems. It is a training institution as well. It attracts patients not only from Mumbai but all parts of Maharashtra, other States and abroad. Prominent citizens from all over the country have availed of the advanced facilities at the Jaslok Hospital. Jaslok aSee more

Org Chart - Jaslok Hospital


Executive Housekeeper




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mahesh Bhojwani

What company does Mahesh Bhojwani work for?
Mahesh Bhojwani works for Jaslok Hospital as Executive Housekeeper
What is Mahesh Bhojwani’s role in Jaslok Hospital?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s role in Jaslok Hospital is Executive Housekeeper
What is Mahesh Bhojwani’s email address?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s email address is m***@stvincents.com.au
What is Mahesh Bhojwani’s business email address?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s business email address is m***@stvincents.com.au
What is Mahesh Bhojwani’s direct phone number?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mahesh Bhojwani’s work phone number?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s headquarters phone number is +91 2266573185
Which industry does Mahesh Bhojwani work in?
Mahesh Bhojwani works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Mahesh Bhojwani’s peers at other companies?
Mahesh Bhojwani’s peers at other companies are Jovan Miller, Masud Parvez, Kristine Acuña, Surendra Khanal, Raul Beriña.
Who are Mahesh Bhojwani’s colleagues?
Some of Mahesh Bhojwani’s colleagues are Mayuri Lashkari, Nikita Manglani, Dhara Bangera, Kirti Talawadekar.
How can I contact Mahesh Bhojwani?
Mahesh Bhojwani contact details: Email address: m***@stvincents.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mahesh Bhojwani?

Mahesh Bhojwani is an Executive Housekeeper at Jaslok Hospital based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.... Read More

Where is Mahesh Bhojwani based?
Mahesh Bhojwani works for Jaslok Hospital, located at India
See more information about Mahesh Bhojwani

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