Mahama Abdul-Latif

Senior IT Assistant at Electricity Company of Ghana

Mahama Abdul-Latif Email & Phone number

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Number of Employees

Mahama Abdul-Latif Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Mahama Abdul-Latif

Mahama Abdul-Latif is a Senior IT Assistant at Electricity Company of Ghana based in Accra, Greater Accra. Previously, Mahama was an IT Assistant at National Communication Authority (NCA and also held positions at Ghana Education Service, Electoral Commission, USAID, Camfed.Explore more

Mahama Abdul-Latif Current Workplace

Electricity Company of Ghana

2022-present (2 years)

The Electricity Company of Ghana is a limited liability Company wholly owned by the Government of Ghana. The Electricity Company of Ghana Limited (ECG) was incorporated under the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) in February 1997. It began as the Electricity Department on 1st April 1947 responsible for distribution power in the entire country and later became the Electricity Division in 1962. It was subsequently converted into the Electricity Corporation of Ghana by (NLCD 125)in 1967. In 1987, the Northern Electricity Department (NED) was established under the Volta River Authority (VRA), to take over from ECG, the responsibility of electric power distribution in Northern part of Ghana. Since then ECG has been responsible for distribution of electricity in six political/administrative regions in southern Ghana namely, Ashanti, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Volta and Western Region.

Mahama Abdul-Latif Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Teacher Mentee

Ghana Education Service


Research & Data Assistant



Teacher Mentor



Org Chart - Electricity Company of Ghana


Senior IT Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mahama Abdul-Latif

What company does Mahama Abdul-Latif work for?
Mahama Abdul-Latif works for Electricity Company of Ghana as Senior IT Assistant
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s role in Electricity Company of Ghana?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s role in Electricity Company of Ghana is Senior IT Assistant
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s email address?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s email address is m***@ecg.com.gh
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s business email address?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s business email address is m***@ecg.com.gh
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s direct phone number?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s work phone number?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s headquarters phone number is +233 302611611
What is Mahama Abdul-Latif’s latest job experience?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s latest job experience is IT Assistant at National Communication Authority (NCA
Which industry does Mahama Abdul-Latif work in?
Mahama Abdul-Latif works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Mahama Abdul-Latif’s peers at other companies?
Mahama Abdul-Latif’s peers at other companies are Benjamin Sarpong, Satish Malusare, Isaac Amanor, John Ngoah, Justice Danso.
Who are Mahama Abdul-Latif’s colleagues?
Some of Mahama Abdul-Latif’s colleagues are Ibrahim Ali, Comfort Akuamoah, Hannah Aduaso, Bright Apoyah.
How can I contact Mahama Abdul-Latif?
Mahama Abdul-Latif contact details: Email address: m***@ecg.com.gh Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mahama Abdul-Latif?

Mahama Abdul-Latif is a Senior IT Assistant at Electricity Company of Ghana based in Accra, Greater Accra. Previously, Mahama was an IT Assistant at National Communication Authority (NCA and also held positions at Ghana Education Service, Electoral Commission, USAID, Camfed.... Read More

Where is Mahama Abdul-Latif based?
Mahama Abdul-Latif works for Electricity Company of Ghana, located at Ghana
See more information about Mahama Abdul-Latif

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