Luvel Ki

Scheduling Coordinator at Temple Valley Dental Group

Luvel Ki Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Luvel Ki

Luvel was born in Honolulu, raised in Palolo, and graduated from Kaimuki High School. She has been working in dentistry since 1995, starting out as an orthodontic assistant. In 2000, she joined the team at the Temple Valley Dental group as a chair side dental assistant to Dr. Briggs. She is now our scheduling coordinator at the front desk who looks forward to booking your appointments! Luvel married her best friend, Dion and had her son Hunter in 2005 and Ezekiel in 2010. She likes to spend her free time tinkering around the house.Explore more

Luvel Ki Current Workplace

Temple Valley Dental Group

2023-present (2 years)

Temple Valley Dental Group offers a full array of dental services to help you maintain healthy teeth. You can read more on this page about specific services, which include teeth whitening, dental implants and veneers. And with more than 30 years of experience, we are sure to keep your smile beautiful! Our dentists are compassionate and empathetic-we are gentle to keep you at ease. Please be sure to visit our Educational Videos section for information on specific procedures.

Org Chart - Temple Valley Dental Group


Scheduling Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Luvel Ki

What company does Luvel Ki work for?
Luvel Ki works for Temple Valley Dental Group as Scheduling Coordinator
What is Luvel Ki’s role in Temple Valley Dental Group?
Luvel Ki’s role in Temple Valley Dental Group is Scheduling Coordinator
What is Luvel Ki’s direct phone number?
Luvel Ki’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Luvel Ki’s work phone number?
Luvel Ki’s headquarters phone number is (808) 239-6711
Which industry does Luvel Ki work in?
Luvel Ki works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Luvel Ki’s peers at other companies?
Luvel Ki’s peers at other companies are Breona Moore, Morgan Burns, Keionna Porter, Melissa Cothran, Andrea Owens.
Who are Luvel Ki’s colleagues?
Some of Luvel Ki’s colleagues are Jodi Yoshikawa, Cheryl Catobus, Glenn Briggs, Jason Revestir.
Who is Luvel Ki?

Luvel was born in Honolulu, raised in Palolo, and graduated from Kaimuki High School. She has been working in dentistry since 1995, starting out as an orthodontic assistant. In 2000, she joined the team at the Temple Valley Dental group as a chair side dental assistant to Dr. Briggs. She is now our scheduling coordinator at the front desk who looks... forward to booking your appointments! Luvel married her best friend, Dion and had her son Hunter in 2005 and Ezekiel in 2010. She likes to spend her free time tinkering around the house.Read More

Where is Luvel Ki based?
Luvel Ki works for Temple Valley Dental Group, located at United States
See more information about Luvel Ki

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