2023-present (1 year)
Luke Shroyer Email & Phone number
Luke Shroyer Current Workplace
315 East St, Jackson Center, Ohio, 45334, United States
(937) 596-6518
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About Luke Shroyer
Luke Shroyer works at Curly's Custom Meats, which is a Grocery Retail company. Found email listings include: @curlysmeats.com.Explore more
Luke Shroyer Current Workplace
Curly's Custom Meats
Curly's has been a family owned and operated business since the beginning. Quality and service has always been a priority of ours. Curly's originally started by processing beef and hogs for individuals that raised their own animals. Through hard work, loyal customers, and our desire to offer the best products, we have expanded our operation. In addition to custom meat processing, we now offer a wide range of products. Ranging from steaks, roasts, bratwurst, bacon, and every cut in-between, our store front is able to provide all your meat needs. Enjoy our famous award winning beef jerky and our secret recipe bratwursts. Our state of the art smokehouse provides us the unique advantage of providing high quality products such as hams, loins, bacon, and jerky that will melt your taste buds. In this day of mega-meat plants, Curly's, though small, will continue to be a source of quality locally grown wholesome beef and pork by maintaining control of our products from our gate to your plate! CSee more
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