Luis Guilherme

High Code Technology Lead at Profectum

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Luis Guilherme Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Luis Guilherme

Luis Guilherme is a High Code Technology Lead at Profectum based in Fortaleza, Ceara. Previously, Luis was a Senior Integration Analyst at Profectum and also held positions at Pipefy, Grupo Boticario, Renew Solutions, Nissan Motor, TOTVS, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.Explore more

Luis Guilherme Current Workplace


2024-present (7 months)

A Profectum impulsiona os resultados dos seus processos por meio de metodologias e tecnologias inovadoras e digitais. Ajudamos organizaes com processos lentos, manuais e com alta taxa de erros e retrabalho a encontrar a eficincia. Acreditamos que com a Tecnologia e a Educao podemos aumentar a produtividade, diminuir custos desnecessrios e liberar os seus funcionrios de tarefas essencialmente operacionais para que eles se dediquem em atividades complexas e que traro uma melhor experincia e foco para os seus clientes. Somos pessoas apaixonadas pela colaborao, inovao e transformao. Acreditamos no valor da tecnologia e da educao como agentes do impacto positivo que a transformao digital exerce nas organizaes. Sabemos que o aprender rpido é o combustvel para o crescimento das organizaes. Para isso, é preciso ter coragem para sair do convencial e buscar novas alternativas. Os nossos cursos online so voltados para quem quer se tornar um prossional preparado para as mudanas do mercado. UsamosSee more

Luis Guilherme Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Integration Analyst



Global Sales Engineer



Sales Engineer



RPA Developer

Grupo Boticario


Org Chart - Profectum


High Code Technology Lead




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Luis Guilherme

What company does Luis Guilherme work for?
Luis Guilherme works for Profectum as High Code Technology Lead
What is Luis Guilherme’s role in Profectum?
Luis Guilherme’s role in Profectum is High Code Technology Lead
What is Luis Guilherme’s direct phone number?
Luis Guilherme’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Luis Guilherme’s work phone number?
Luis Guilherme’s headquarters phone number is +55 85999637871
What is Luis Guilherme’s latest job experience?
Luis Guilherme’s latest job experience is Senior Integration Analyst at Profectum
Which industry does Luis Guilherme work in?
Luis Guilherme works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Luis Guilherme’s colleagues?
Some of Luis Guilherme’s colleagues are Rosangelo Martins, Ruth Natule, Viviane Valim, Evaldo Rodrigues.
Who is Luis Guilherme?

Luis Guilherme is a High Code Technology Lead at Profectum based in Fortaleza, Ceara. Previously, Luis was a Senior Integration Analyst at Profectum and also held positions at Pipefy, Grupo Boticario, Renew Solutions, Nissan Motor, TOTVS, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.... Read More

Where is Luis Guilherme based?
Luis Guilherme works for Profectum, located at Brazil
See more information about Luis Guilherme

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