Lourdes Huerta

Manager, Human Resources at Western Recycling

Lourdes Huerta Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Lourdes Huerta Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Lourdes Huerta

Lourdes Huerta is a Manager, Human Resources at Western Recycling based in Boise, Idaho.

Lourdes Huerta Current Workplace

Western Recycling

2024-present (1 year)

Western Recycling of Idaho has been providing document shredding services since 1986 and has a strong focus on recycling. They divert over 5 billion pounds of materials from Idaho landfills and process a wide range of recyclable materials including cardboard and metals. The company serves both residential and commercial clients in Idaho and surrounding areas, including Spokane, WA, and Ontario, OR. With multiple locations, they aim to make recycling accessible and convenient for their customers.

Org Chart - Western Recycling

Lourdes Huerta

Manager, Human Resources

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lourdes Huerta

What company does Lourdes Huerta work for?
Lourdes Huerta works for Western Recycling as Manager, Human Resources
What is Lourdes Huerta’s role in Western Recycling?
Lourdes Huerta’s role in Western Recycling is Manager, Human Resources
What is Lourdes Huerta’s direct phone number?
Lourdes Huerta’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lourdes Huerta’s work phone number?
Lourdes Huerta’s headquarters phone number is (208) 375-8580
Which industry does Lourdes Huerta work in?
Lourdes Huerta works in the industry of Waste Treatment, Environmental Services & Recycling, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Lourdes Huerta’s peers at other companies?
Lourdes Huerta’s peers at other companies are Yolanda Bolanos, Dana Lewis, Rachelle Geach, Timothy Shocklee, Katherine Hennessey.
Who are Lourdes Huerta’s colleagues?
Some of Lourdes Huerta’s colleagues are Charles Root, Luis Villasenor, Soron Root, Jeff Catalano.
Who is Lourdes Huerta?

Lourdes Huerta is a Manager, Human Resources at Western Recycling based in Boise, Idaho....

Where is Lourdes Huerta based?
Lourdes Huerta works for Western Recycling, located at United States