
Louise Raspberry

Logistics Coordinator at Polyplex USA

Louise Raspberry Email & Phone number


(256) ***-****

Louise Raspberry Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Louise Raspberry

Louise Raspberry is a Logistics Coordinator at Polyplex USA based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

Louise Raspberry Current Workplace

Polyplex USA

2017-present (8 years)

Polyplex is headquartered in New Delhi, India and is the one of the world's largest thin polyester film producers. The Company's manufacturing facilities are located in India, Thailand, Turkey and the United States. www.polyplex.com ABOUT SCHOLLE CORPORATION Scholle Corporation is a privately-held company headquartered in Irvine, California that provides performance-based packaging solutions to multi-national companies who in turn serve millions of people on a daily basis. Scholle's focus on value-added packaging solutions and aseptic processing capabilities brings their customers the ability to provide products to a wide range of global markets as purely, safely and simply as possible.

Org Chart - Polyplex USA

Louise Raspberry

Logistics Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Louise Raspberry

What company does Louise Raspberry work for?
Louise Raspberry works for Polyplex USA as Logistics Coordinator
What is Louise Raspberry’s role in Polyplex USA?
Louise Raspberry’s role in Polyplex USA is Logistics Coordinator
What is Louise Raspberry’s email address?
Louise Raspberry’s email address is l***@polyplex.com
What is Louise Raspberry’s business email address?
Louise Raspberry’s business email address is l***@polyplex.com
What is Louise Raspberry’s direct phone number?
Louise Raspberry’s direct phone number is (256) ***-****
What is Louise Raspberry’s work phone number?
Louise Raspberry’s headquarters phone number is +91 1202443716
Which industry does Louise Raspberry work in?
Louise Raspberry works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Louise Raspberry’s peers at other companies?
Louise Raspberry’s peers at other companies are Jon Vokurka, Beth Laible, Sarah Leir, Sissy Tanner, Jacob Palmer.
Who are Louise Raspberry’s colleagues?
Some of Louise Raspberry’s colleagues are Harjinder Soni, Rakesh Aggarwal, Sushant Shekhar, Abhishek Chauhan.
How can I contact Louise Raspberry?
Louise Raspberry contact details: Email address: l***@polyplex.com Phone number: (256) ***-****
Who is Louise Raspberry?

Louise Raspberry is a Logistics Coordinator at Polyplex USA based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh....

Where is Louise Raspberry based?
Louise Raspberry works for Polyplex USA, located at India