2017-present (7 years)
Lori Sonnenberg Email & Phone number
Lori Sonnenberg Current Workplace
1431 Opus Pl Ste 110, Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515, United States
Phone Number
(630) 442-1883
Number of Employees
Lori Sonnenberg Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
2About Lori Sonnenberg
Lori Sonnenberg is a Voice Pathologist and Specialist at Sonnenberg Voice based in Downers Grove, Illinois.
Previously, Lori was a Speech Language Pathologist at Bastian Voice Institute.
Lori Sonnenberg Current Workplace
Sonnenberg Voice
Sonnenberg Voice offers comprehensive voice care for speech, breathing and singing with a number of services available, including speech pathology and voice therapy, professional voice care, rehabilitative singing lessons, vocal health and wellness training, and professional speech training.
Lori Sonnenberg Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Lori Sonnenberg
#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg - Marisa Lee
#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg In this episode of A Voice and Beyond, we revisit episode #60 with L...#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg - Marisa Lee
#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg In this episode of A Voice and Beyond, we revisit episode #60 with L...#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg - Marisa Lee
#169. Insights and Strategies for Maintaining Vocal Health with Lori Sonnenberg In this episode of A Voice and Beyond, we revisit episode #60 with L...Voice Care for Singers - Vocal Health Education
Lori Sonnenberg LORI L. SONNENBERG is a Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, Clinical Voice Specialist and Singing Voice Specialist. With over 20 ...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lori Sonnenberg
Lori Sonnenberg is a Voice Pathologist and Specialist at Sonnenberg Voice based in Downers Grove, Illinois. Previously, Lori was a Speech Language Pathologist at Bastian Voice Institute....