Lois Brupbacher

Vice President at Cembell Industries

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(***) ***-****

Lois Brupbacher Current Workplace


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About Lois Brupbacher

Lois Brupbacher is a Vice President at Cembell Industries based in La Place, Louisiana.Explore more

Lois Brupbacher Current Workplace

Cembell Industries

2024-present (7 months)

Cembell Industries, Inc. was started in June of 1980 to address the growing demand for ASME Code work in the area. Cembell's first physical location was 5417 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA in St. Bernard parish. We started with one shop and 8 employees. In 1985 we expanded to add Heat Exchanger design & fabrication. In 1990 we expanded to add a field division to repair heat exchangers & pressure vessels on-site. During this time frame Cembell added new equipment and employees to accommodate the demand from the petrochemical industries. We also expanded the original shop by adding a second bay and building an office building. By August of 2005 we had grown to 130 employees. On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit, and we lost everything. We quickly decided that if we were going to start over again it would have to be in a different location. The chance that we could be wiped out again was too much of a risk for our customers and for ourselves. On September 15, 2005 we purchased the St. PierSee more

Org Chart - Cembell Industries


Vice President




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lois Brupbacher

What company does Lois Brupbacher work for?
Lois Brupbacher works for Cembell Industries as Vice President
What is Lois Brupbacher’s role in Cembell Industries?
Lois Brupbacher’s role in Cembell Industries is Vice President
What is Lois Brupbacher’s email address?
Lois Brupbacher’s email address is l***@albachco.com
What is Lois Brupbacher’s business email address?
Lois Brupbacher’s business email address is l***@albachco.com
What is Lois Brupbacher’s direct phone number?
Lois Brupbacher’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lois Brupbacher’s work phone number?
Lois Brupbacher’s headquarters phone number is (985) 652-1188
Which industry does Lois Brupbacher work in?
Lois Brupbacher works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Lois Brupbacher’s peers at other companies?
Lois Brupbacher’s peers at other companies are Barbara Fernandez, Justin Friedges, Denice McCollum, Matthew Davis, Jesse Schultz.
Who are Lois Brupbacher’s colleagues?
Some of Lois Brupbacher’s colleagues are Mark Sidora, Ellen Addison, Lolan Badeaux, Kristy Pascual.
How can I contact Lois Brupbacher?
Lois Brupbacher contact details: Email address: l***@albachco.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lois Brupbacher?

Lois Brupbacher is a Vice President at Cembell Industries based in La Place, Louisiana.... Read More

Where is Lois Brupbacher based?
Lois Brupbacher works for Cembell Industries, located at United States
See more information about Lois Brupbacher

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