Livhuwani Ramalamula

Human Resource Administrator at Kit Kat Group

Livhuwani Ramalamula Email & Phone number

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Livhuwani Ramalamula Current Workplace


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Livhuwani Ramalamula Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Livhuwani Ramalamula

Livhuwani Ramalamula is a Human Resource Administrator at Kit Kat Group based in Pretoria, Gauteng.Explore more

Livhuwani Ramalamula Current Workplace

Kit Kat Group

2022-present (3 years)

The brand Kit Kat is recognized as one of the leading brands in the FMCG industry today, and it symbolizes the trust of our customers. We feel highly contented that it is overwhelmingly accepted and recognized by our valued customers as a trustworthy brand. The trust of our customers in our brand constantly motivates us to offer better services. From the humble beginnings at Kit Kat Café in the old Asiatic Bazaar in 1953, with hard work and insurmountable energy, the Kit Kat Group has grown to strength. What follows in the next few pages is the brief history of the group, it present status quo and its future plans. The current medium to long term plans of the group to work in the collaboration with Industrialist from the Asian rim and other parts of the world to open factories in South Africa to provide more jobs for the unemployed.

Livhuwani Ramalamula Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Time & Attendance Administration Clerk

Rcl foods speciality centurion


Org Chart - Kit Kat Group


Human Resource Administrator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Livhuwani Ramalamula

What company does Livhuwani Ramalamula work for?
Livhuwani Ramalamula works for Kit Kat Group as Human Resource Administrator
What is Livhuwani Ramalamula’s role in Kit Kat Group?
Livhuwani Ramalamula’s role in Kit Kat Group is Human Resource Administrator
What is Livhuwani Ramalamula’s direct phone number?
Livhuwani Ramalamula’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Livhuwani Ramalamula’s work phone number?
Livhuwani Ramalamula’s headquarters phone number is +27 123276116
What is Livhuwani Ramalamula’s latest job experience?
Livhuwani Ramalamula’s latest job experience is Time & Attendance Administration Clerk at Rcl foods speciality centurion
Which industry does Livhuwani Ramalamula work in?
Livhuwani Ramalamula works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Livhuwani Ramalamula’s peers at other companies?
Livhuwani Ramalamula’s peers at other companies are Cassie Durbin, Sagar Shitole, Kaadinma Okoli.
Who are Livhuwani Ramalamula’s colleagues?
Some of Livhuwani Ramalamula’s colleagues are Farayola Adedoyin, Ak Gani, John Thwala, Nosibusiso Mpafa.
Who is Livhuwani Ramalamula?

Livhuwani Ramalamula is a Human Resource Administrator at Kit Kat Group based in Pretoria, Gauteng.... Read More

Where is Livhuwani Ramalamula based?
Livhuwani Ramalamula works for Kit Kat Group, located at South Africa
See more information about Livhuwani Ramalamula

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