2022-present (3 years)
Lise Raven Email & Phone number
Lise Raven Current Workplace
Wesley Hall University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Ave Fl 4, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9, Canada
(204) 786-7811
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About Lise Raven
Lise Raven is a RAS Faculty at University of Winnipeg based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.Explore more
Lise Raven Current Workplace
University of Winnipeg
The University of Winnipeg (UWinnipeg, UW) is a public research university in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, that offers undergraduate faculties of art, business and economics, education, science and kinesiology and applied health as well as graduate programs. UWinnipeg's founding colleges were Manitoba College and Wesley College, which merged to form United College in 1938. The University of Winnipeg was established in 1967 when United College received its charter. The governance was modelled on the provincial University of Toronto Act of 1906 which established a bicameral system of university government consisting of a senate (faculty), responsible for academic policy, and a board of governors (citizens) exercising exclusive control over financial policy and having formal authority in all other matters. The president, appointed by the board, was a link between the bodies to perform institutional leadership. The university is a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of CaSee more
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Lise Raven is a RAS Faculty at University of Winnipeg based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.... Read More