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Ms. Barron is the chairman and CEO of Barron International Group, LLC. She has covered the Media, Entertainment and Leisure sectors on Wall Street fo...Directors
Lisbeth R. Barron Lisbeth R. Barron Ms. Barron is the chairman and CEO of Barron International Group, LLC. She has covered the Media, Entertain...Directors
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All of which means IPO issuers are "able to get premium valuations," according to Lisbeth Barron , CEO of Barron International Group .
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisbeth Barron
Lisbeth Barron is the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Barron International Group based in Palm Beach, Florida. Previously, Lisbeth was the Board Member at Palm Beach Civic Association and also held positions at Florida Atlantic University. Lisbeth received a BBA degree from Florida Atlantic University and a MBA degree from Harvard Business... Read More