Lisa Vreeken

Director and Educational Leader at Canning Vale Prekindy

Lisa Vreeken Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Lisa Vreeken Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Lisa Vreeken

Lisa Vreeken is a Director and Educational Leader at Canning Vale Prekindy based in Canning Vale, Western Australia. Lisa received a Diploma of Teaching degree from MCAE - Institute of Early Childhood Education and a Bachelor of Education from Curtin University.Explore more

Lisa Vreeken Current Workplace

Canning Vale Prekindy

2008-present (17 years)

Canning Vale Prekindy offers a sessional prekindy program for children who have turned 3 years old and who are eligible to attend 4 year old kindergarten in the following year. Our program encourages children to explore, discover, create, learn and express their ideas while they play. Canning Vale Prekindy is a community based, not-for-profit program. Our program is based on the Nationally Approved Early Year's Learning Framework, which explores the ideas of "Belonging, Being and Becoming" and draws on the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. Children will have the opportunity to engage in a rich learning program that is open ended, hands on, based on their interests and encourages interaction and the development of social skills. The program provides long periods on uninterrupted time for children to engage with each other, the environment and educators and encourages children to develop dispositions for learning such as persistence, curiosity, independence and resourSee more

Lisa Vreeken Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Central TAFE


Early Childhood Program Coordinator

South Lake family Centre


Kindergarten Teacher



Director and Teacher

Port Fairy Kindergarten




Diploma of Teaching

MCAE - Institute of Early Childhood Education

Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood, With distinction

Curtin University

Org Chart - Canning Vale Prekindy


Director and Educational Leader




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Vreeken

What company does Lisa Vreeken work for?
Lisa Vreeken works for Canning Vale Prekindy as Director and Educational Leader
What is Lisa Vreeken’s role in Canning Vale Prekindy?
Lisa Vreeken’s role in Canning Vale Prekindy is Director and Educational Leader
What is Lisa Vreeken’s email address?
Lisa Vreeken’s email address is l***@canningvaleprekindy.com.au
What is Lisa Vreeken’s business email address?
Lisa Vreeken’s business email address is l***@canningvaleprekindy.com.au
What is Lisa Vreeken’s direct phone number?
Lisa Vreeken’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lisa Vreeken’s work phone number?
Lisa Vreeken’s headquarters phone number is +61 448101511
What is Lisa Vreeken’s latest job experience?
Lisa Vreeken’s latest job experience is Lecturer at Central TAFE
What is Lisa Vreeken’s latest education?
Lisa Vreeken’s latest education in Diploma of Teaching at MCAE - Institute of Early Childhood Education
Which industry does Lisa Vreeken work in?
Lisa Vreeken works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Lisa Vreeken’s peers at other companies?
Lisa Vreeken’s peers at other companies are Betty McKinlay.
How can I contact Lisa Vreeken?
Lisa Vreeken contact details: Email address: l***@canningvaleprekindy.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lisa Vreeken?

Lisa Vreeken is a Director and Educational Leader at Canning Vale Prekindy based in Canning Vale, Western Australia. Lisa received a Diploma of Teaching degree from MCAE - Institute of Early Childhood Education and a Bachelor of Education from Curtin University.... Read More

Where is Lisa Vreeken based?
Lisa Vreeken works for Canning Vale Prekindy, located at Australia
See more information about Lisa Vreeken

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