2024-present (6 months)
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Lisa Soares Current Workplace
1865 Monrovia Dr, San Jose, California, 95122, United States
Phone Number
(408) 270-4993
Number of Employees
Lisa Soares Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
1Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/9/2025 1:04 PM
About Lisa Soares
Lisa Soares is an Assistant Principal at Bulldog Tech based in San Jose, California.
Previously, Lisa was an Assistant Principal at Evergreen School District.
Lisa Soares Current Workplace
Bulldog Tech
The world is changing and public education needs to follow. Content knowledge is no longer enough to ensure our children will succeed today. To prepare our students for college and careers in their near future, education needs to shift from memorizing content to promoting deeper learning and thinking. Bulldog Tech promotes this by using a proven school model that positions our students to be active creators of their own understanding and knowledge of the world. If students have meaningful experiences involving critical thinking, and if they collaborate and reflect often, then they learn in a much deeper way. Our students get very good at learningand this is the most important skill we can give them. "As educators we know that in order to develop the next generation with the skills to innovate and improve our world we can no longer teach students what to thinkwe must teach them how to think." In this way, we ensure that students acquire the skills, knowledge, and mindsets that are expecSee more
Lisa Soares Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Bulldog Tech
Lisa Soares
Assistant Principal
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Soares
Lisa Soares is an Assistant Principal at Bulldog Tech based in San Jose, California. Previously, Lisa was an Assistant Principal at Evergreen School District....