2013-present (11 years)
Lisa Markowski Email & Phone number
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Lisa Markowski Current Workplace
222 N Kennedy Dr Door 18, Addison, Illinois, 60101, United States
(630) 458-2500
Number of Employees
Lisa Markowski Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
7Last Update 1/13/2025 1:02 AM
About Lisa Markowski
Lisa Markowski is a School Social Worker at Addison School District 4 based in Addison, Illinois.
Previously, Lisa was a Brand Ambassador at Spring Naturals and also held positions at The Honest Kitchen, Chicago Education Project.
Lisa received a Master of Social Work degree from Aurora University.
Lisa Markowski Current Workplace
Addison School District 4
Addison School District 4 serves 4,000 preschool through eighth grade children in nine school facilities. Most of our students reside in Addison with a few living in the neighboring communities of Bensenville, Itasca, Lombard, Villa Park and Wood Dale. We are proud of the strong foundations that we provide our children to prepare them for high school and college or their careers. Eligible three to five year old children may attend the Addison Early Learning Center and 100% of our children participate in our full day kindergarten program. Our students attend one of seven (kindergarten through 5th grade) elementary schools based on the location of their residence. Families may use the address locator to identify their assigned elementary school based on their home address. All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students attend Indian Trail Junior High School.
Lisa Markowski Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Addison School District 4
Lisa Markowski
School Social Worker
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Markowski
Lisa Markowski is a School Social Worker at Addison School District 4 based in Addison, Illinois. Previously, Lisa was a Brand Ambassador at Spring Naturals and also held positions at The Honest Kitchen, Chicago Education Project. Lisa received a Master of Social Work degree from Aurora University....