
Lisa Grund

Media & Welfare Coordinator at OTI Management

Lisa Grund Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Lisa Grund Current Workplace


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Lisa Grund Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Lisa Grund

Lisa has a Diploma in Equine Business Management and graduated from Marcus Oldham College in 2020. German-bred and with horses always being part of her life, she discovered her passion for thoroughbreds after she moved to Australia and has been involved in the industry ever since. Initially working hands-on in stables and breeding barns, her varied skillset has led her towards an administrative and management future. As OTI's Equine Welfare Coordinator, she is responsible for managing and tracking the progress of our past thoroughbreds. Her tasks as Media Coordinator will be vast and will include Social Media Management, Marketing, Client Liaison and Sales Assistance.Explore more

Lisa Grund Current Workplace

OTI Management

2022-present (3 years)

OTI provides a full range of services that seek to give our racing partners an enjoyable and economically viable role as owners of quality thoroughbreds. In essence, we acquire and manage, both operationally and economically, quality thoroughbreds with the view of racing in partnership. Our core activity is to balance the broader benefits of involvement in racing with the costs of acquisition and upkeep. This is achieved with a mix of resources, relationships and processes developed with the prime aim of providing our fellow owners with a premium racing experience. Within Australia trusting relationships are and have always been critical to OTI's success. Having acquired a horse, great care is taken to place it with the trainer best credentialed to give owners the greatest chance of success. While primarily that success comes from wins, the trainer must also provide comprehensive communication and a feeling of involvement in the horse's career. To underpin such relationships, OTI insisSee more

Lisa Grund Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Stud Hand

Diamond Park Racing & Breeding


Org Chart - OTI Management


Media & Welfare Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Grund

What company does Lisa Grund work for?
Lisa Grund works for OTI Management as Media & Welfare Coordinator
What is Lisa Grund’s role in OTI Management?
Lisa Grund’s role in OTI Management is Media & Welfare Coordinator
What is Lisa Grund’s email address?
Lisa Grund’s email address is l***@oti.com.au
What is Lisa Grund’s business email address?
Lisa Grund’s business email address is l***@oti.com.au
What is Lisa Grund’s direct phone number?
Lisa Grund’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lisa Grund’s work phone number?
Lisa Grund’s headquarters phone number is +61 396700255
What is Lisa Grund’s latest job experience?
Lisa Grund’s latest job experience is Senior Stud Hand at Diamond Park Racing & Breeding
Which industry does Lisa Grund work in?
Lisa Grund works in the industry of Amusement Parks, Arcades & Attractions, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Lisa Grund’s colleagues?
Some of Lisa Grund’s colleagues are Hermione FitzGerald, Ray Allinson, Nick Sheedy, Shayne Driscoll.
How can I contact Lisa Grund?
Lisa Grund contact details: Email address: l***@oti.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lisa Grund?

Lisa has a Diploma in Equine Business Management and graduated from Marcus Oldham College in 2020. German-bred and with horses always being part of her life, she discovered her passion for thoroughbreds after she moved to Australia and has been involved in the industry ever since. Initially working hands-on in stables and breeding barns, her varied... skillset has led her towards an administrative and management future. As OTI's Equine Welfare Coordinator, she is responsible for managing and tracking the progress of our past thoroughbreds. Her tasks as Media Coordinator will be vast and will include Social Media Management, Marketing, Client Liaison and Sales Assistance.Read More

Where is Lisa Grund based?
Lisa Grund works for OTI Management, located at Australia
See more information about Lisa Grund

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