
Lisa Cole

Senior Manager, Fund Development at Mary's Place by the Sea

Lisa Cole Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Lisa Cole Current Workplace


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Lisa Cole Work Experience Summary

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About Lisa Cole

Lisa Cole is a Senior Manager, Fund Development at Mary's Place by the Sea based in Ocean Grove, New Jersey. Previously, Lisa was a Manager, Business at St Catharine Church and also held positions at St Catharine & St Margaret Parish, Fairleigh Dickinson University, GCWen Management.Explore more

Lisa Cole Current Workplace

Mary's Place by the Sea

2024-present (4 months)

Mary's Place offers a wide range of complimentary services to our guests. We work with you to customize your visit so that you can take advantage of as many, or as few, of these services as you want. We can also develop customized services if you let us know what you need in advance. All of our services are provided by experienced, highly-qualified practitioners. Some services include: Oncological Massage, Reiki/Healing Touch therapy, Integrative Self-Care Therapies, Nutritional counseling, Journal Writing, Social Worker/Counseling, Gentle Yoga.

Lisa Cole Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Marketing Administrative Manager

GCWen Management


Manager, Business

St Catharine Church


Publicity Coordinator

St Catharine & St Margaret Parish


Math and Business Tutor

Fairleigh Dickinson University


Org Chart - Mary's Place by the Sea


Senior Manager, Fund Development




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Cole

What company does Lisa Cole work for?
Lisa Cole works for Mary's Place by the Sea as Senior Manager, Fund Development
What is Lisa Cole’s role in Mary's Place by the Sea?
Lisa Cole’s role in Mary's Place by the Sea is Senior Manager, Fund Development
What is Lisa Cole’s email address?
Lisa Cole’s email address is l***@marysplacebythesea.org
What is Lisa Cole’s business email address?
Lisa Cole’s business email address is l***@marysplacebythesea.org
What is Lisa Cole’s direct phone number?
Lisa Cole’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lisa Cole’s work phone number?
Lisa Cole’s headquarters phone number is (732) 455-5344
What is Lisa Cole’s latest job experience?
Lisa Cole’s latest job experience is Marketing Administrative Manager at GCWen Management
Which industry does Lisa Cole work in?
Lisa Cole works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Lisa Cole’s peers at other companies?
Lisa Cole’s peers at other companies are Kozue Nakajima, Pamela Massaro, Jue Fan.
Who are Lisa Cole’s colleagues?
Some of Lisa Cole’s colleagues are Michele Nocera, Francesca DeAngelis, Dan Dougherty, Kimberly Hughes.
How can I contact Lisa Cole?
Lisa Cole contact details: Email address: l***@marysplacebythesea.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lisa Cole?

Lisa Cole is a Senior Manager, Fund Development at Mary's Place by the Sea based in Ocean Grove, New Jersey. Previously, Lisa was a Manager, Business at St Catharine Church and also held positions at St Catharine & St Margaret Parish, Fairleigh Dickinson University, GCWen Management.... Read More

Where is Lisa Cole based?
Lisa Cole works for Mary's Place by the Sea, located at United States
See more information about Lisa Cole

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