Lisa Barber

Office Manager at Catholic Funeral

Lisa Barber Email & Phone number


(509) ***-****

Lisa Barber Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Lisa Barber Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Lisa Barber

Lisa Barber is an Office Manager at Catholic Funeral based in Toledo, Ohio.

Lisa Barber Current Workplace

Catholic Funeral

1990-present (35 years)

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services Toledo specializes in offering compassionate funeral, cremation, and cemetery services guided by the values of the Catholic faith. They provide immediate assistance as well as advanced planning options to help families navigate emotional times and fulfill their wishes. The organization also presents innovative programs that aim to offer financial assistance and free options for the community. With locations including Calvary Cemetery, Mount Carmel Cemetery, and Resurrection Cemetery, they serve clients looking for supportive and trustworthy resources for their end-of-life planning needs.

Lisa Barber Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


American Sign and Indicator


Org Chart - Catholic Funeral

Lisa Barber

Office Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lisa Barber

What company does Lisa Barber work for?
Lisa Barber works for Catholic Funeral as Office Manager
What is Lisa Barber’s role in Catholic Funeral?
Lisa Barber’s role in Catholic Funeral is Office Manager
What is Lisa Barber’s email address?
Lisa Barber’s email address is l***@scd.org
What is Lisa Barber’s business email address?
Lisa Barber’s business email address is l***@scd.org
What is Lisa Barber’s direct phone number?
Lisa Barber’s direct phone number is (509) ***-****
What is Lisa Barber’s work phone number?
Lisa Barber’s headquarters phone number is (419) 531-5747
What is Lisa Barber’s latest job experience?
Lisa Barber’s latest job experience is Dispatcher at American Sign and Indicator
Which industry does Lisa Barber work in?
Lisa Barber works in the industry of Funeral Homes & Funeral Related Services, Consumer Services.
Who are Lisa Barber’s peers at other companies?
Lisa Barber’s peers at other companies are Leisha Pemberton, Holly Milne, Nikki Boothe, Melissa Madden, Michele Altieri.
Who are Lisa Barber’s colleagues?
Some of Lisa Barber’s colleagues are Steve Silva, Audrey Dietrich, Oliver More, John Baratiak.
How can I contact Lisa Barber?
Lisa Barber contact details: Email address: l***@scd.org Phone number: (509) ***-****
Who is Lisa Barber?

Lisa Barber is an Office Manager at Catholic Funeral based in Toledo, Ohio....

Where is Lisa Barber based?
Lisa Barber works for Catholic Funeral, located at United States