2013-present (12 years)
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2Average duration at a company (years)
9Number of job titles
B. A.
University of Michiganmaster's degree - public policy
Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of GovernmentBoard Memberships & Affiliations
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We hope that school and policy leaders recognize teachers' extensive knowledge and expertise and take urgent action to adopt the Phoenix Project's rec...Houston Endowment | Providing Good Information to Decision-Makers
Lindsay Sobel is senior executive director of Teach Plus Texas , a local chapter of a national effort to train exceptional teachers to advocate on beh...Meet Our Staff | Teach Plus
This paper offers important guidance from Black teachers that will help to sustain teachers of color in the classroom, retain them in the profession, ...Meet Our Staff | Teach Plus
WASHINGTON, DC-Emily McCann, chair of the Teach Plus Board of Directors, today announced that the board has named Lindsay Sobel , the organization's V...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lindsay Sobel
Lindsay Sobel is a Policy, Planning & External Affairs Chief at Teach Plus based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Lindsay was a Director, Development at Citizen Schools and also held positions at Slate Magazine. Lindsay received a B. A. degree from University of Michigan and a master's degree from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Governme... Read More